Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wish it would rain more often, happy half-hour and makes for a good smile

- Pulling up to the gym, it is closed due to a power outage probably due to the heavy rain of the day. However the power was working at Taqueria Los Hermanos next door. Friend Leisa pulled up and called out, "Want to go drink instead?" And that's what we did.

- When I waffled over my beer selection, Raul, the brother taking our order, asked, "Corona Light?" It pleases me greatly that he always remembers. When I was going to school full-time and studying the Spanish language, I used to sit in there on Saturday afternoons and eves drop on the five brothers and their staff speaking Spanish with each other.

- Raul cheerfully photographed three teenage girls with their camera until they were satisfied, asking them to say, "Sopapilla!" instead of the usual "Cheese!"

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