Friday, December 19, 2008

Sugar rush, snowmen and chuckle of the day

- A lot of cookies were sorted so that everyone who brought in two dozen cookies to work, went home with two dozen assorted ones. So - I had cookies for dinner. 'Tis the season. :)

- A funny game during the cookie swap in which we find out more about each other by answering questions to a holiday game. It turns out that everyone at the printing company has built a snowman before.

- Driving behind a City of Atlanta vehicle sporting a bumper sticker that reads, “Call 404-POT-HOLE.” Mayor Shirley Franklin established the “pothole posse” when she took office, saying she would repair every pothole in the city of Atlanta and citizens could call the pothole hotline to report egregious holes in the road. Here was the big chuckle part: Just before turning into the city works building, the city worker drives over the most monstrous pothole in the city.


Jannie Funster said...

- Driving behind a City of Atlanta vehicle sporting a bumper sticker that reads, “Call 404-POT-HOLE.”

The pothole possee, love it!

They could never have that in Canada, the country would go broke.

Lynn said...

That's probably why that problem gets no press anymore. :)