Monday, December 1, 2008

Homeward bound, who knew? and she's baaack

- Saying goodbyes in the rain, everyone driving off in different directions. And later, my mother telling me on the phone that it was the most special weekend ever.

- Hearing Timur murmur something reverently from the back seat - he spotted McDonald's off an exit. This one was the most tricked out one I've ever seen, with lattes, leather chairs and free wifi.

- Seeing my kitty's happy face that I am home. Even though she was well looked after by friend Leisa, she missed having me to boss around.

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

What?! have I not been here for 4 days?! Sacrelige. Where has my mind been? Bra flinging again, I do confess.

Sounds like you really lit up your mom's life with that party weekend.

Umn, I love to see my kitty's face too, even tho he's gives me the cold shoulder for a while after my camping trip returns.