- Bonus to an on-the-road meeting day - getting to see the Andy Warhol exhibit on display at the Madison Morgan Cultural Center. This silkscreen print, with actual diamond dust that depicts Warhol's own face and shadow, was my favorite. The original Shadow was an unseeable hero on a popular crime drama radio series in the 1930s.
- The exhibit, called Myths and Legends, is from the private collection of Wes and Missy Cochran of LaGrange, Georgia. They are wonderfully unassuming art collectors - he has a stone masonry business and she is a retired school teacher - and like to keep their artwork on display to small town galleries.
- From the meeting, driving on down the road to Milledgeville on a blue sky day to check on the family home. And then popping in to visit friend Susan at The Red Door antiques shop. She looks at me with astonishment because she was just that moment talking about me to another friend.
I love when you get to mix business with pleasure. And how neat that the Cochran's share their love of art with their community.
I can just imagine the look on Susan's face when you walked in - lol!
Good morning, Beautiful!! You make me want to hang out in an art museum today! Diamond dust? That's cool!
No surprise someone would be talking about you-- I talk about you all day to myself, how sweet you are, and how blessed I am that we've " met".
That must have been a classic moment for your friend Susan. :) We'd say "speak of the devil" if that happened normally, but with you, Lynn, it's got to be "speak of the angel." :)
How cool that such unassuming people have a diamond-dusted Warhol in their collection. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling when regular people participate in the art world.
Talon -
I know and the cultural center only charges $3 admission. A bargain, I say.
She did a double take and was so astonished. She was telling the lady that I had recommended my parents' house cleaning lady and that she had not seen me in months and in I walked.
Jannie -
Awwww - no, YOU'RE beautiful!!!! I say, find an art museum and hang out in it.
Thank you for feeling blessed - it makes my day to hear that!
Meredith -
Very sweet of you to say that. And it was an odd coincidence. It's so fun to be friends with a shop owner. I sat behind the counter with her and talked between customers coming in.
I love that the Cochrans do that, too - they say they pretty much keep their art on the road since they do not have room to house all of it.
Sounds like your life is always full and varied.
How strange that you hadn't seen your friend for months, and she was talking about you, and in you walk! Sounds like she has a busy shop too, they way you mentioned customers popping in. Did you buy anything? :D
Joe -
Life is what you make it, I think. I like to stay busy, but I feel as though I spend half my life in my car.
I got to be friends with her from coming by her shop when I was in Milledgeville on the weekends so often due to family illness. She does a brisk business for a shop in the downtown area. I didn't buy anything that day, but I admired a lamp last fall and my sis gave it to me for Christmas. It needed re-wiring and she took care of that, too. I post a picture of it one day.
Once again an awesome picture. Re: your friend, do you find that you can sometimes conjure someone up by thinking or talking about them? I do.
Riot Kitty -
It's gonna be Warhol all week! I'm glad you liked it.
I do think that you can conjure up someone by talking about them, for sure. Susan M - a good friend I have made by coming by her shop and not even buying that much. Although the things I have gotten from there are great and carefully chosen. I love her dog Raisin' too - Raisin' Cane! That's her name. :)
In India a coincidence like that would make the person exclaim "Oh, you'll live to be a hundred years for, we were talking about you just this instant." :-)
"only the Shadow knows!"
Cool pics! yes, I remember the radio show story...
Wish I had time to hang out with folks n explore more art. Warhol was so much fun to see.
I think some people are just psychic about good friends, when they'll call n that it's no accident, but synchronisity!
Never know- ya might live to be 100 too!
Anil -
A lovely saying, that.
Snaggle -
Synchronicity - I love that word. Living to be 100 - oh my! :)
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