- Not making the connection at first to pink ribbons like this one at my mother's residence in Macon, Georgia, I ask, "Did someone have a girl?" The ribbons signify that the
Cherry Blossom festival is going on and seem to festoon everything from mailboxes to business doors.

- The festival's slogan is "Welcome to the pinkest party on earth." Yoshino cherry trees line the streets and seem to be everywhere. A local realtor discovered one of the trees in his back yard in the 1940s and it went from that one tree to more than 300,000 in a movement that caught on.
- It has been more than 20 years since we had a baby in our family and lovely baby Mina captured our hearts with her pink cheeks and ready smile. This special guest stole the show from the festival and rightly so!
That is funny!! I would have thought the same thing - that someone just had a baby girl!! And - the trees and their colors are incredible!!
Babies...yes, they sure do have a way of capturing our hearts!!
Yo-shino! Do those cherries go in Japanese Manhattans? :)
Those iz some gorgeous trees. 300,000!! THAT would make visiting Macon at this time of year a very special vacation, I'm sure!
Lance -
My through the windshield shot of the trees was my last chance to photograph the cherry trees this weekend as I was leaving town. Loved staying busy with that baby. :)
Jannie -
Quite possibly. :) They say the event draws visitors from all over the country.
Ooh am I allowed to say I don't like babies!!
Actually I'm not keen on pink either! :D
Oh dear, I hope you had a good weekend anyway. :)
Joe -
But I assume you did like your own babies. :)
Mina's mother is not fond of pink either and does not much pink on her - the most I've seen is trimming on a little brown suit.
You are so funny - I did have a great weekend and hope you did, too. :)
I think the pink ribbons were for Mina! :)
I wish the blossoms lasted longer - but then they wouldn't be so special, would they?
I can't wait until they start blooming here.
For some reason, the pictures won't load for me, Lynn. I'll have to come back later to confirm... but your words had my mind filled with a profusion of pink blossoms and two sweet rosy cheeks.
Welcome to this amazing world, Mina! And congratulations to your family. :)
Talon -
I initially thought they were for a woman returning from maternity leave - I didn't know about this pink ribbon thing for the festival since we are returning newbies to Macon.
Won't it be lovely when it does? And I'll get to experience it again through your photos I hope.
Meredith -
I looked on Blogger help and the forum shows a memory problem with photos today. Google says they are working to fix the problem.
This world is amazing and I am so happy that Mina is here with us now. No photo posting of her - I just don't think her mom would want that and I didn't even ask. The photos are of pink ribbon and cherry trees through the windshield.
Those trees are lovely!
Mama Zen -
I'm glad you could see the photo - for some reason they keep coming and going today.
Both our girls were 9/10 months old when we adopted them, so I suppose they were still babies. I fell in love with them the first time I laid eyes on them. :)
Well, well! Congrats!
Joe -
They were your daughters the moment you saw them. Lovely.
Riot Kitty -
I guess I didn't say - but she is my latest niece. :)
Nice o have a ribbon to herald a festival instead of a disease for a change!
I like eating cherries too- good antioxidant level plus I read they're anti-inflamitory so good for allergy symptoms. The flowers are just really pretty tho-
Congrats on the new baby fun! They are the best entertainment! Hope more come into your life soon!
Snaggle -
I hope so, too - they are lovely to have around. :)
Those springtime shots really make my gloomy morning.
G -
I'm glad to hear that, but sorry your morning is otherwise gloomy...
From one tree to 300,000. That's really an achievement.
The name Mina has an equivalent in India as Meena.
The pink of trees would match well with the pink of cheeks :-)
Anil -
Yes - I think I had a pink theme going there. :) I haven't heard the name much, but she has citizenship in two countries and it fits nicely with her last name.
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