- Sitting for a moment with friend Bettye at my volunteer organization way past dinnertime and wishing someone would just bring dinner to us. I jokingly say, "Being single is HARD, huh?" And then we laugh because it is really OK. :)
- Picking up Szechuan shrimp on the way home, I am delighted by my fortune cookie fortune, "You discover treasures where others see nothing unusual."
That fortune cookie is so right for you!
I love creme eggs! I wish I could eat them without them showing on my waistline!
Lovely, sweet read.
I succumb to the Cadbury egg once-a-year treat myself only it's more like once-a-year five or six times - lol!
I love the fortune because it is so you and how beautiful that is.
Oh, that fortune is so *you*. I just love it. :)
Sadly, I'm a bit jealous of the Szechuan pick-up. We have exactly one teensy Chinese restaurant in this town, and they close at 7:00 o'clock (!!), plus the food is not that great. Oh, and they don't do takeout. When I lived in Midtown, I had a favorite restaurant that would *deliver* inside 15 minutes. You give up some pleasures to live way out in the boonies. ;)
Joe -
I know - I was delighted by it. And the creme eggs - that is why eat just one.
Shyamanga -
Thank you and I am glad you are following my blog!
Talon -
I love Cadbury's in general - and the eggs are so good. Five or six times can't hurt!
Thank you, my friend - you are sweet to say that.
Meredith -
My sister says the same thing - she lives seven miles outside a little town without many options for quick take-out anyway.
I am lucky - I like Main Moon near my house because the do not put MSG in their food. I should expand my food ordering, but I always just like to get that shrimp. :)
I am curious where you lived in midtown - I used to live on 8th Street right at Myrtle, near the park.
Cadbury Eggs are little pieces of heaven!
Very near the intersection of Montgomery Ferry and Monroe Drive (the house was on Montgomery). We were officially in Piedmont Heights, but usually told people the house was in Ansley Park because that helped them to place the neighborhood better... right across from the old Ansley Mall. ;)
From your old place, hop on Piedmont Ave and go north past the park to the Morningside area, left on Monroe, and you're basically there. :) (God, I miss it!)
what a perfect fortune for you!
Your fortune is right! And great minds (or chocolate oinks?) think alike, because I picked up some Cadbury eggs the other day, and within 18 hours they were all gone :)
Mama Zen -
I agree. Yum. Love that new avatar!
Meredith -
I know exactly where that is. I cut through that way sometimes when I visit the Piedmont Park Conservancy people. You lived in a great neighborhood. But it sounds like you are in a great place now, too and especially because you are with F.
Whitney -
Thanks Whit - and for you, too! LOVED reading about your trip today.
Riot Kitty -
Thank you - and lol at chocolate oinks. :)
You're right, of course, Lynn. (How did you get so wise?) Being with F. is better than the best address in the best city in the world. (And maybe soon we'll be together in a place that will nourish our cosmopolitan souls a bit more. :)
Meredith -
Your beautiful garden came to mind, too. I haven't been away from the city in so many years that it is difficult to imagine what it would be like. It will be exciting to hear where the two of you end up.
I waited what seemed a lifetime for the man of my dreams to find me. I would not trade this life for anything but when you compare marriage to being single, marriage is the most difficult thing any of us will do in our lives. That partner simply MUST be worth the compromise.
Those chocolate eggs are so tempting but I gave up chocolate for Lent. I'm sure gonna pig out at Easter!
Annie -
You are right - I have been married and single. Being married was not easy, but I do wish sometimes for the right person to come along again.
I have heard so many people giving up sweets or chocolate for Lent this year. My hat is off to you.
I'm so hungry now...! Let's see, chocolate or chinese? Wish I had some. Must settle for leftovers...
Lucky you!
I like Dove Dark Eggs- (on sale the day sfter)
No It's not always bad being single-
That fortune knew you were getting it!
You're single??
What? I thought a fine wonderful person had you snapped up all the time we've been blogging.
Snaggle -
A nice though, that the fortune knew I was getting it.
It must be day off - seems like an unusual time that you were by.
Jannie -
Yes - I sure am. :)
Yes, Day Off with no car for errands- I'd still be doing normally- somebody noticed!
Snaggle -
Because it was an unusual time for you. Hope the weekend is being good to you.
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