- Reading an update from facebook friend CBL: "On my bike ride this morning I saw a one-eyed chow eating a chicken bone. And a massive granite monolith." She is promoting bike riding as an alternative to cars. This is the best one yet.
- Hearing myself agree to "run" the 10K Peachtree Road Race with three co-workers next July 4. Maybe I'll just walk it. Training will be good for my health, right? Right?
Lots of people walk those races. great goal to go for. Reminds me I am overdue for good running shoes.
And that must've been one hungry chow to be eating a massive granite monolith! :)
Have an awesome day. What day is it, anyway? Oh, yes Tuesday
If it keeps eating massive granite monoliths, it will soon be a one-toothed chow.
Good for you agreeing to do the walk, I mean run. Yes the training will be good for you, unless it causes you to have a heart attack, then it's not so good. :D
Four lights around
The millennium gate
Of Georgia history back when
On a granite monolith
your friend saw a chow
eat a bone from a roster or hen
so you plan to walk not run
As you tread along this 10 K
That is 6.213712 miles with your friend
Yes, you're right - it will be good for your health. :)
Rock on...at the 10K!! It will be all sorts of AWESOME for you!!
And - very cool friend...this CBL is! I'm all for biking as an alternative method of transportation!
Now, I just have to ask: is it the same Peachtree Road (street?) that's referred to in Gone with the Wind?
Isn't it amazing what we agree to do in the presence of our friends? I'm sure walking will be popular, especially since the race is July 4th. If I remember correctly, it's pretty hot in Atlanta during July:~)
I guess when you ride a bike, you get to see more closely. Sometimes this is a good and sometimes not. I'm sure I'd want to see the one-eyed chow...even if it is eating a "massive granite monolith:~)
I didn't know that about Atlanta being called the Gate City. That's interesting.
I did my comment to your post bottom up...silly me:~) It's one of those and the cold medicine makes me giddy.
Ha! "I saw a one-eyed chow eating a chicken bone. And a massive granite monolith."
That makes me want to ride!
Good one Lynn!
Have a Great day Lynn :)
Jannie -
You know - I didn't realize Cindy's facebook post read like that until now. Must have been early. :)
xo - Happy Tuesday!
Fireblossom -
For darn sure!
Joe -
Here's hoping I don't have a heart attack. :)
Ellis -
Love the poem! Isn't that arch cool? I missed the erecting of it - must have busy. :) I just happened by it one day.
Talon -
I'll sure miss camping out on the couch. :)
Lance -
I think I'll be healthier for it and that will give me plenty of blog material.
There is much biking going on at Stone Mountain park - that is the granite monolith she is speaking of.
Mama Zen -
Yes - that is the very same Peachtree Street. It is also Peachtree Road in some spots. The house I blogged about the other day - Fort Peace - is on Peachtree.
Sara -
I hope you feel better!!! Having a cold in hot weather is the worst.
That Gate City thing was a new one on me, too.
lg -
I'm glad we could inspire that! You have a great day, too! :)
I wouldn't run anywhere in that humidity (or maybe even walk it), so if you do, cheers!
Nice photo of the intersection.
I love the idea of bike riding but don't get to do it much. I should get my daughter to go with me on those nights the boys are at hockey without us...and when it's less humid!
Run or walk, it's a great idea to be a part of the race. Do it, Chica! :)
Of course training is good for you. Why you'll be down on the ground gasping for air in no time at all as little kids on tricycles leave in the dust. :D
In any event, have fun filled enjoyable time in doing it.
Yeah, I'd walk it too. Running's for chumps who are being chased by cheetahs! I'm with LL. The training will be good as long as your heart doesn't clap out on you. Me, I'd sooner be good to my poor ol' heart! I ain't gettin' any younger! :P
Oh, Lordy. I did that one year, and it was rough. All I could ask afterwards was, "Why do they have to do it when it's so darned hot?"
You'll do better than me, for sure. Go, Lynn!
Your friend's FB updates sound way more interesting than the average ones I see...
Riot Kitty -
Fortunately - it's early in the morning.
Ily -
Thank you for the encouragement! :)
G -
I hope not, but you never know. :)
Tony -
I am going to use that - running is for chumps being chased by cheetahs. :)
Meredith -
I mainly get on facebook to keep up with family - they are so all over. But I welcome anything unique and fun, such as Cindy's bike ride sightings. :)
I immediatrly thout og D'Arc de Triumph in France, but this one is missing gothic details... A historic gate, I see.
Interesting update- a bit strange!
Jog train on soft turf whenever possible to avoid injuries. I like to run the path in n out of work to the lot, but have skipped ir dure to my shin injury for weeks now, Always makes me feel good-
Good luck no matter how it's accomplished!
Snaggle -
There are some rather grand statues flanking the arch on either side of the street - they didn't make it into the photo.
Thank you for the tips - I'll try that.
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