Sunday, January 4, 2009

Caring, cooking and citizens of the sky

- Pulling up email and finding that a teenager from my church has been seriously injured in a single car accident and knowing that church family will be all over that. And they were. He is going to be OK, despite many broken bones, and his family was surrounded by friends all day.

- Spending the afternoon in the kitchen making food for all week. While I did not resolve to do anything better for the New Year, I do plan to cook more and do less take out food.

- The bird feeder is back in place after being moved to accomodate holiday stuff. It is getting a lot of action and the wrens are happily chirping. Next year - no moving the bird feeder. We will accomodate citizens of the sky instead.


Jannie Funster said...

Oh the winter birdfeeder, what a wonderful thing to create and enjoy watching.

Lynn said...

Yes and I don't know if it is the same wrens from the summer or wrens that flew from like New Jersey. My wrens are probably in Costa Rica. (If they're smart.) :)

G. B. Miller said...

Cooking more and doing less take does sound like a good plan.

Wish it could be implemented better in my house. I know that for me, personally, I cook for myself (no choice, diabetic) and do take out on the weekends.

'Course, cooking more does let you become more creative with your food.

Lynn said...

I like to cook when I have the time to do it right. It was fun the other day - I had two stews going at the same time...