Friday, January 23, 2009

Posters, rampant sweetieness and make-out music

- Self-described "Hillbilly Princess" Leisa and I amuse ourselves by participating in Obamicon.Me by making posters of ourselves in the style of the famed Shepard Fairey Obama poster.

And here is my big 'ole eye.

- Telling a friend at lunch that sometimes I get called "Sweetie" by a male friend at the printing plant, but am not offended by it because it is said genuinely as a term of endearment and not meant to be demeaning, as we have been taught. And then after work, pulling my car into the Emissions testing place where a very cool guy with a very deep voice drawls, "Heyyy sweetie" as he opens the door for me. He is blasting what I call "make out music."

- Calling my mother from the emissions place, killing time while waiting, and she says, "Where ARE you?"


Jannie Funster said...

I love being called Sweetie too!

Lynn said...

I know! And I started to ask if the emissions guy wanted to slow dance. He had a Barry White-type voice. :)

G. B. Miller said...

Emissions......when I was getting mine done last month, the only t.v. show on was a kiddie's program.

Within ten minutes or so, every adult in the place was watching it.

Lynn said...

I guess that's why the cool guy was playing the slow dance music. There was no t.v.