Wednesday, November 6, 2013

On being an Adult, writing for pleasure and why I do it

- Stepping into an absent coworker's cubicle to answer the phone and seeing her daughter's "Top Ten list to be an Adult!" posted.  Click to enlarge if you need to - it's all true stuff.  This is a lovely, polite little girl who wrote this - it will be wonderful to see her grow up.

- From The New York Times Book Review this week, a review of "SMARTER THAN YOU THINK How Technology is Changing Our Minds for the Better" by Clive Thompson.  From it is about "How technology boosts our cognitive abilities - making us smarter, more productive, and more creative than ever before.  It's undeniable: technology is changing the way we think.  But is it for the better?  Amid a chorus of doomsayers, Clive Thompson votes yes."  Click on the red review button above to read the review in the NYT.

- But here's my favorite part, that sums the review up at the end - click to enlarge:

I was struck by this passage, because he's right - I probably wouldn't write for pleasure if it wasn't for my blog.  Very interesting reading.  I always list Blogging as a hobby, but it really brings a lot to my life and of course, the fact that I have so many good friends in you all is a bonus!


sage said...

I do journalling and blogging, sometimes they are the same but not always. I would say that keeping a journal is for pleasure, but it isn't always that, most of the time it is for growth. Thanks for the link to the review.

Granny Annie said...

Thankfully I have never been a doomsayer because my mother always told me each new generation and each new invention is a step forward in God's plan. Loved the review you posted and shall forward it to my grandchildren.

I love to hear something positive about blogging since many see us as loonies not doing anything worthwhile.

Granny Annie said...

Oh and I have to remind myself that I can do the things on the "polite little girl's" list. lol

Joanne said...

That last part of the article definitely spoke to me also! Well put!

happygirl said...

This is true for me. I tried to journal, by hand, but my handwriting would get so sloppy it would bother me and I would toss my journal and give up.

Lynn said...

Sage -

I used to journal, but stopped after someone read them without permission. Sigh - and that someone is out of my life now. I did like to journal - it was a good way to sort out my thoughts.

Granny Annie -

I'm glad you liked it - I'm not a doomsayer either, so this appealed to me.

Yes - I've gotten a couple of giggles from people when I say I have a blog. I love doing it.

Joanne -

I think so, too - great article!

happygirl -

It's funny, but I do my best writing by typing, not hand writing. That's what I found when I was doing papers for school in 2003-04.

Maude Lynn said...

I think that's true. Hey, blogging may just save the written word!

Elephant's Child said...

I am a bit sad that young girl is going to discover that her list about adulthood is flawed. And that she may like going to bed early, and sadly won't be able to do everything (or some days anything) she wants.
Something to aspire too though.
And I love the positivity in the internet (and particularly the blogosphere) while admitting that it also has a dark side.

Lynn said...

Mama Zen -

Let's hope!

Elephant's Child -

Yes - that's why I was amused by so much of it. And I was thinking she could have sleepovers every night with her husband / life partner, but she should think about choosing carefully. :)

Riot Kitty said...

I have a writer friend who doesn't get blogging - but you've nailed it. Writing for pleasure. The best kind of writing is the kind we do for ourselves.

I love the list!! More trips by yourself...definitely a perk.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I agree with Riot Kitty on ALL she said! You got it right, my dear....!
And I loved that list---And particularly about taking more trips by myself.....! I think it is terrific that she looks so forward to that kind of independence!

Lee said...

So very true...I love writing...and blogging helps fulfill that love. I also write a weekly article for the local little paper here where I live...if not for my computer, I probably wouldn't do that, either!

LL Cool Joe said...

Parties and sleepovers every night! Sounds like my idea of hell! Ha!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Fun list to read - So enthusiastic about freedom. I wanna go to a party every night! But I'm too burnt out for it.

I think it's a different type of smart, not actually better. Kids don't memorize n get the same skills we were all taught anymore.

I agree with the assessment too. It gets me to write more often, tho I'd still be scribbling in notebooks more for myself than reading by others.
Needless to say I appreciate the people I've met immensely with this schedule.

I was here on Tues n had trouble getting Comments page to load.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I love the eating whatever you want whenever you want part LOL. Pizza and Reese's Cups! Not together though.

TALON said...

I'm laughing at the child's list because, sadly, our gradual adulthood takes away some of the pleasure of the things we longed to do as children. If we turned adult overnight then look out! :)

Technology is great in so many ways. I do think that sometimes it takes too much of our focus away from the here and now...what's right in front of us and not just stuff on phones, tablets and computer screens. But I couldn't imagine a world without such an amazing connection either. Who knew that blogging would lead to making such amazing friends. :)

Sara said...

I loved the list. It made me smile:~)

I often think technology to be not so great in that it creates so many distractions, but reading that last section made me reconsider.

It is true that technology is allowing people to be more expressive and creative in life.

Good food for thought, Lynn.

Have a great day:~)

Leonora said...

I need to write a "Top 10 List to Be a Kid". I couldn't wait to be an adult when I was a kid. Now I just want to be a kid again!

G. B. Miller said...

Gotta love that top ten list on being an adult.

I think I would always write for pleasure even if I wasn't blogging, but blogging is an added bonus.

Lynn said...

Riot Kitty -

I never mind trips by myself either. But I think she might mean unsupervised trips.

Thank you - I think that does sum it up nicely. I'm not inspired to read that book, but glad I saw the review and could share.

Naomi -

Thank you and yes, I think she'll be a delightful adult. :)

Lee -

I write much better on the computer, too. It's great you do that!

Joe -


Snaggle -

I can't imagine going to a party every night.

I'm glad you got here now. :)

Lynn said...

OE -

Two of my favorite things, too. :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Talon -

I know - what would I do without the amazing friends I've met through blogging.

Sara -

It is food for thought - I had never thought about that in that way.

Leonora -

Same here. :) I want you to make that list and blog about it.

G -

You do love it, I think.

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