Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Unwanted, ready to move and there it is

Photo courtesy of Google images

- This is the Randolph-Lucas house, circa 1924, originally built for a great-great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson.  At one time, there were more homes such as this, lining Peachtree Street in Atlanta, but in the last 20 years they have all been usurped by luxury apartment / condominium structures (such as the very unlovely building you see behind it there.) 

 Photo courtesy of Google images

- The condominium owners tried to keep the house for special events and such, even moving it several dozen feet to the left at one point, but last year decided to have it demolished in favor of a plaza they want to build.  It was offered up free of charge to anyone who would move it.  Fortunately, a company specializing in historic preservation bought the rights to move it and its journey began. 

- I spotted it last Saturday, across from The High Museum (that's it on the left, click to enlarge.)  It made its two and a half mile trip, starting at midnight on Friday, November 8, 2013, with many people involved (adjusting power lines, temporarily taking down overhead traffic signal lights, etc..)  I loved the news reports showing this home rolling down Peachtree Street to its new foundation there.  I can't wait to see it all restored back to how it looked before.  It will be the home of the two people who founded the company that moved it.  Click here for my museum post from last August to see what the view from the home will be (bottom photo.)

On a personal note, one of my ex-husband's friends lived in the attic of the house when they were attending Georgia Tech.  Due to its location at Peachtree Street and Lindbergh Drive, the friend said the name of the house was "Top of Lindbergh," but I have not seen it referred that way in any article.  A great name though and I sure wish I had asked to go inside back then.  You know I'll update you on the finished look when it is completed. 


LL Cool Joe said...

Wow, I had no idea it was possible to move a house. Well I assume it's not made of bricks then? Reminds me of the film "Up".

Fireblossom said...

I'm glad it was moved and will be lived in, rather than demolished!

Granny Annie said...

It is a great sadness in my life to see historic homes demolished. No matter how much care they might take in trying to move them, they are never the same.

Leonora said...

I'm SO glad they saved it! I was worried for a minute when I first started reading. Our community lost such an historic home in NY many years ago. It was offered up to anyone who wanted it and no one stepped up to move it. It breaks my heart when buildings like that are stripped and torn down. The history that's lost is immeasurable.

TALON said...

I'm glad the house was saved. It's so sad to see these beautiful, graceful buildings razed just so a builder can profit.

desk49 said...

Tho old but not feeble
A trip it did make
Down Peachtree
Where it will stay
Saved by the owner
On new ground it rest
A pace of history to share
With others some day

Riot Kitty said...

I am glad it is still going to be around. And yes, that building behind it looks hideous.

Elephant's Child said...

Old architecture has soooo much more charm. I am always glad when any of it is saved.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Great when historic homes get a new life. Must've been difficult to get it down the road- Amazing they can do it!
Maybe it'll give tours when they're all done restoring it-

Joanne said...

I always find it so amazing that you can just pick up and move a whole house like that!

Louvregirl said...

Lynn~ So glad to see that the house was moved. It is always sad when these lovely structures with character and with a history are demolished. Especially when they are replaced with high rises! Hope you get to go inside when it is done!
Cold here!

Sara said...

Cool...I like it when a house like this survives:~) It's great that it now has a new site and will be visited by many. It has such a long history to tell.

Thanks for sharing this story. It gives me a feeling of hope. I loved what desk49 said:~)

I look forward to seeing future pictures!

Lee said...

I'm so glad it's been preserved. So many beautiful old buildings are being demolished these days...and I think that is very sad.

It's must have been a huge job moving it, but I'm so pleased they did! :)

Lynn said...

Joe -

Yes - it's done a fair amount here in the states. Yes - it was brick - they removed the bricks and I assume they are someplace safe and will be put back on.

FB -

Me, too - I'm weary of the demolishing.

Granny Annie -

I know - I agree! When we were visiting Edinburgh, Scotland, and local man told us that they never demolish buildings there - if anything, they keep the facade and update the inside.

Leonora -

I agree - I'm sorry that house couldn't be saved.

Lynn said...

Talon -

Me, too. A jewel is now missing from that spot at Peachtree and Lindbergh - I'll miss seeing it there.

Ellis -

Love the poem! Thank you for visiting. I hope you are well, my friend.

Riot Kitty -

Right??? It is so hideous.

Elephant's Child -

Me, too. Me, too.

Lynn said...

Snaggle -

I think it's just going to be a private home. Sure would love to go in it. :)

Joanne -

Me, too - that happened in my parents' neighborhood many years ago - two beautiful homes were moved there from the nearby highway.

lg -

Cold here, too - I hate to complain when it's probably colder there. But it's 14 degrees right now!

Sara -

I love Ellis's poem, too. :)

Lee -

I'm pleased, too.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lynn .. that's amazing that they did actually manage to move the whole house .. and yes I look forward to seeing its resplendent self once unveiled.

Top of Lindbergh is rather a nice description isn't it - and what a pity you didn't ask for a look around ..

Cheers Hilary

Lynn said...

Hilary -

I didn't have the gumption back then that I do now. :) I wish I had, too.