- One of the things I love about my job is the opportunity to call on customers in parts of Atlanta I might have never discovered on my own. A favorite drive is up beautiful Mount Paran Road, on my way to a private school, mainly for its winding path amid tall leafy trees. The homes are alternately huge and ornate or cottagey and charming.

- This house was one of those "designer showcase" houses benefiting a charity last year and is for sale now. It is typical of residences going up on this street. A little ornate, but still beautiful. If commercial printing ever picks up... (Just kidding, my wee condominium is still just fine with me.)

- But my favorite is this charming little cottage just across the street with its shady garden full of flowers. A little matching building off to the side suggests a space that a writer might work in. Swoon...
I'd rather a small condo any day than a huge mansion. Seriously!
Living simpler allows so much more freedom. In my opinion, anyway.
That gate alone is so imposing! Whenever I see a huge home all I think about is how the heck do you keep it clean?? But the lines of those homes are so beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
But the cottage-style house? That's a home sweet home! And the garden is delightful.
Jannie's right - simple IS freedom.
Jannie - so would I. In fact, when my friend and I toured that mansion, she was mystified that I said I would not want to live there. My place is just what I need, except a guest room would be nice. I routinely give up my bedroom to visiting couples and sleep on the futon in my office. (A little princess and the pea action going on there. Hard to find a comfortable spot on that mattress.)
Talon - I guess they would have staff and be rich to afford a place like that. My original post said that I thought I would buy it so my blog friends could come to a big house party there! :)
I do love that little cottage and it is so interesting that it is right across the street from that mega-house.
But as I said - my wee place is just fine...
Hi Lynn,
I love the woodsy-ness of the little cottage. And I'm not for the big mansions either. I just don't need that much. And I'll second Jannie (living simpler allow more freedom). I like that!
I do agree with Jannie that living simpler is always full of freedom. Her respectful opinion is well appreciated.
Hello Lance!
Total agreement on living simply. And I kind of like the nice neighbors all around me...
Hello James!
Jannie's opinion is always welcome here, as is yours.
Thank you both for stopping by!
It's funny, where I live we have pockets of these kind of montrosities.
Always wondered about the upkeep aspect of them.
Hey G! I know - Mount Paran Road, as I said, is a lovely winding drive. There are signs that it once was all modest ranch houses, because they are still dotted here and there. But huge mansions are going, including one owned by Janet Jackson (long driveway lined by palm trees to remind her of California, I'm told.)
The city of Atlanta finally put an ordinance in for the older intown neighborhoods - that the huge houses, not in keeping with the history of the area, are not allowed. Good job to Mayor Shirley Franklin.
Hope you have a good weekend!
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