- Friend Steve's endearing statement about his participation in an upcoming chicken cook-off on Saturday: "Listen now, don't get your hopes up regarding my chicken wings. I'm just doing this on a lark."
- From Twitter, a "tweet" from a self-described "Bio Founder. Engineer. Surfer. CEO. Globe Trotter. Bluewater Sailor. MBA Kid. Enjoyer of Life. Doer of Things": "oh the caesar cipher, you're so simple I can't even call you encryption, but as obfuscation goes, you'll do." ...Huh?
lol @ Mr. C - he has A LOT of faith in his meatloaf!
Steve sounds like a genuine sweetheart!
Never mind the "caesar cipher", Mr. Bio Founder Surfer, send a deciphering system with your ambiguous tweets! :)
Good morning Talon!
And I've never tried the meatloaf, but someday...
Steve is such a nice man. This is his first cook-off!
Twitter. I rarely update - I just mainly read the "tweets" from friends, chefs, foodies, and Sockington the cat. So I don't know why this guy even found me to "follow." But I had to chuckle at the obfuscation. Such a great word, too. :)
Oh, I just loves me some hot wings. With beers. Umn, umn. Summertime good!
And hopefully they're not lark wings?
That first one totally cracked me up!
Jannie -
Me, too! And love the cold beer, too - should be a good day for it. This will be some sort of smoked variety - but not lark, chicken. :) Wish I could be a judge, but will have some other gals with me to cheerlead for Steve.
Mama Zen -
Yes - the hokey pokey was formerly what it was all about, but now - meatloaf. :)
Love that sign-
had to look it up
transitive verb
1 a: darken b: to make obscure obfuscate the issue
2: confuse
obfuscate the reader
intransitive verb
: to be evasive, unclear, or confusing
We aren't confused enough yet!
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