- A paper company sends an ice cream truck, complete with tinkling music, to the printing company as a treat, sparking a discussion of childhood memories of ice cream trucks. When the "ice cream man" pulled into my neighborhood when we were kids, my little sister would burst into tears, thinking it would bypass our house if we did not get out there in time. So one sister found our mother to get the money out of her, another relayed it, while the other flagged the truck down. Little sister was always the one to get the money because she was so sweetly tearful and how could anyone resist that?
- Returning a telephone call too late in the evening and waking motherly friend Ginny, who was entirely gracious about it. And the always comforting feeling of hearing her warm, soothing voice.
- Smiling at an overheard one-sided telephone conversation between a co-worker and his 12-year-old son. He:
No son, we cannot put in a dock for the Sea-doo you are not getting anyway. The Army Corps of Engineers owns that property. No - you are not getting that. Me (after he hangs up):
Would you get me a helicopter so I can fly over traffic?
Ice cream trucks were great. We sometimes get the Dickie Dee ice cream bikes now, but not too often. I love the tag-team approach you and your sisters had going on!
lol - wouldn't a helicopter be neat?
Talon - Wow. I have never seen an ice cream bike! My sisters and I still work as a team. The tearful one as a child is younger than me by five years, but now routinely mothers me. I guess because I'm the single one with my head in the clouds.
A helicopter would be neat. I spend so much time in traffic since I call on people and commute 20 miles from home. And then sitting behind SUVs that you can't see around. Yes - a helicopter would be the ticket. :)
We were too far out in the sticks to ever get an ice cream truck, boo hoo. But the almost-ready-to-rot-grocery-store-surplus fruit truck guy would come once a week.
Hmmn, and isnt' there some Haagen Dazs in our freezer? Why goodness, what a lovely idea. let me go check.
Jannie - what is your favorite kind of ice cream? I finally decided on the neopolitan ice cream sandwich at the truck.
Two of the employees said they had never experienced the ice cream truck either. Rotting fruit truck. Any takers on that?
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