- Pulling up Twitter last night and finding that I have won a copy of the "foodie memoir," "
Julie & Julia" by Julie Powell. Tami Hardeman of the wonderful "
Running with Tweezers" blog held a contest on Twitter asking followers to "tweet who YOU would like to play you in the movie about your life. 5 random winners chosen at 5 pm." Never expecting to win, I "tweeted" Susan Sarandon and won! Yay! I needed a memoir for book group in August and this will do nicely. See Tami's June 17th post "Tropical Watercress Salad with Spicy Goat Cheese" - the recipe is riding around in my car for my next trip to the grocery store.
- Admiring Julia Child, a national treasure, tremendously, it always makes me happy to happen upon PBS reruns of her cooking shows. A highlight of a recent visit to Washington, DC was viewing
Julia's kitchen that has been assembled at the Smithsonian Museum of American History. It is encased in plexiglas and is as she left it, refrigerator magnets and all.
- On another food related note - my committee serving up dinner to Vacation Bible School attendees last night. (The program is inter-generational, so is being held in the evening.) The highlight of the dinner: fresh peach cobbler. Seriously good.
Congrats on winning the book! That sounds like a fun read and you get bonus recipes.
Whenever I hear Julia Child's name, I immediately hear her in my mind and see her in that kithchen that's now in the Smithsonian.
Peach cobbler? Yummy! I'm totally jealous!
Talon -
You know - I am not usually all that lucky at winning things, so it is doubly fun for me.
My favorite Julia Child quote: when asked why she was moving into assisted living, she said, "Because I'm old!"
I took the job of dishing out pans and pans of cobbler into 100 little bowls and one by one, my committee members came by to scrape the empty pans clean. Very cute.
How nice about an intergenerational VBS, sounds like a wonderful plan.
I think who'd I'l like to play me in my life story would be Dana Carvey.
Jannie -
I think you're way cuter than him!
I picked Susan Sarandon because people think I look like her. Once in a restaurant they thought I WAS her. :)
Wowsa! Wowsa! Susan Sarandon is a beautiful woman!
Jannie - Dana Carvey? LOL! Too funny! I've never ever thought who I would want to play me if there was a movie of my life because I really think I'm the only actress who could do the role justice - lol~!
Talon -
I think it is the hair and slight bags under the eye thing that makes people think of Ms. Sarandon. Someday I'll get enough sleep and take care of that. :)
True - we are all one of a kind.
You must be so pretty, Mystery Woman. Yet, I like the mysetry in you.
Mystery woman. How cool is that? I look all right, I guess. :)
My brother used to sell Julia Child fresh Maine shrimp every week near Boston! He's got a few pics with her cus no one would believe him- We were very sad to hear of her passing awhile back-
Smithsonian is cool!
Snaggle Tooth -
That's neat - she seemed like such a nice lady. It's fun to be able to walk all around her kitchen and look at it. Surprisingly small.
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