- Singing "If You're Happy and You Know It" to a co-worker who is determined to remain grumpy. He is still grumpy, but at least it got my vocal talents recognized! :)
- Receiving an email from friend Ed, who directs music at my church, asking if I will sing with the Women's Ensemble on Sunday in honor of Fathers Day. Me: You're sure you want me??? I am not known for my singing! Him: There's safety in numbers!
I'm singing and clapping my hands now - lol!
The caterpillar is lovely! Joanne does beautiful work.
lol @ Ed's comment. Raise your voice in song, Lynn! ;)
Talon - I love to sing, but mostly make a joyful noise. Thank you for your words! :)
I so admire Joanne's work. She does very expensive artisan things; this one was the most affordable, only $5. She kept saying for me to just take it, so I gave her husband the money.
Was that the Art bar-B-Q where theheavy metal music filled the air with such unmitaged happiness for one vendor in particular?
LOL on the second one! How could anyone remain grumpy after that??
And I very well know that safety in numbers with singing, was a perfect place to start for me.
Wow, and only five bucks for that - super!
Yes - but that was at the other end of the art-b-que - Joanne's booth was across from some musicians playing acoustic music.
And yet he did. I like to imagine the corners of his mouth turning up a little when he turned away. The operations manager provided the clapping sound effects.
We will sing a beautiful hymn on Sunday, "His eye is on the sparrow." That is what reeled me in. I will joyously sing.
Lynn, it sounds like Joanne's booth had the perfect music match!
I'm laughing at the Operations Manager's clapping accompaniment.
Talon - it did. She said they played bluegrass late in the afternoon.
Yes - we have fun here very often at work. And the operations manager and I have a similar quirky sense of fun.
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