- Sure feels like summer. The southern US had about one week of spring and went straight into summer temperatures. But the air this early morning is cool with a slight breeze blowing. It was a mercifully lower humidity night. My outside air conditioning unit is on the fritz, but with friend Tim to the rescue it should be repaired today. And having my place aired out with all of the windows open didn't hurt a bit.
- The spontaneous applause at the Vacation Bible School dinner when it was announced that a young church member has won three gold medals at the Special Olympics games in San Diego.
I can smell them burgers grillin'
(sniff, sniff, sniff)
Make mine medium please.
G -
I wore that smell home with me - the smoke kept following me while I photographed the guys cooking burgers and hot dogs. I chose one with a little char. Not good for you, but love the char. :)
Hi Lynn,
Mmmm....the burgers look delicious! I'm now hungry (and I've only just had breakfast!). Enjoy the cooler temps. Here in Wisconsin...we were breaking out our sweatshirts and long pants yesterday (brrr....for July 1!!).
And very cool - the VBS dinner and applause for the winner! How awesome to win, AND to be recognized like that!!
You've put a big smile on my face this morning (and that's a great way to start the day!)
I love the char, too!
We're in the midst of a cold front. It was 96 degrees, yesterday.
Lance -
I like it when it is 75 degrees or so. But we've been in the 90's for a month now. I've never been to Wisconsin - but hope to visit someday.
Thank you - we are very proud of our Olympian. She is very talented in track and gymnastics. AND knows American Sign Language.
Glad I made you smile!
Mama Zen -
I always want a little char on a steak, too. Where do you live? South of here I would guess - Florida? Louisiana? Texas?
Medium-well-to-well for me, please!
Nothin' like a good airin' out. I remember my friend Katie Kovacs in high school, her mom would air the whole house out one Saturday morning a month, like for 3 hours. I was there for it one time. In winter. The Canadian winter! It was just wonderful, the house all smelling like one big load of laundry off the line.
Number 3 made me cry a little tear of joy. That must've been a super-amazing moment.
Jannie -
We loved those burgers. Tonight at VBS it is Taco Salad. Should be good.
Yay - I came home to an operational air conditioner. Friend Tim replaced the fan motor in the outside unit and left it on 72 so I would be really cool when I came home. (Working from home this afternoon.)
Thank you for the joy! It was an amazing moment. I almost forgot to share her victory - I went back and edited this morning to add it. We will celebrate with her when the family returns to church next week.
Yummy - burgers and corn on the cob IS summer!
We're thinking about building an arc here - it's just rain rain rain off/on for days.
Awesome on the 3 gold medals! That's fabulous!
Of course I meant "ark", not arc - lol! I'm going to blame it on being tired.
Can I have cheese? n Ketchup?
We're still waiting for the heat- Been in the 60F's all week here- guess you're really cooking there!
Hope the AC project is good to go soon!
Everyone should have a chance to show talents, no matter hoew special they are! 3 medals is great! I have a special cousin my age with Cerebral Palsey.
Talon -
I wish some of that rain would head this way. I hear this weekend maybe. LOL on the Ark!
Snaggle Tooth -
The 60s! I guess that's why people from the south summer up there. My neighbor is in Maine for the summer.
Good on the A/C being fixed. I'd be one sad puppy without it working here.
The night it happened I was blaming the thermostadt - it is new and complicated, or to me anyway. I am so happy it is fixed!
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