- This email message from the Decatur Organic Farmers Market: "Come out to market this Wednesday and find organic Blueberries, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, blackberries, chard, kale, lettuces, cabbage, early melons. Fresh goat cheeses, organic breads and pastries, fresh pastas, spreads and salsas. Thanks for supporting your local organic growers!! See you at market!!" Summer goods! Swoon...
- This op-ed article flagged by a young political writer via Twitter "as being kind of weird" titled "In Search of Dignity" by David Brooks in The New York Times, stating that "Americans still admire dignity." Not weird at all, I say. Dignity is always a good thing...
I don't think you imagined the profiles, Lynn - they were definitely there if only temporarily.
I love the market! There is something beyond sumptuous in seeing all the goods on display. It's our regular Saturday morning routine to head to the local Farmer's Market.
Dignity is good. Not practiced enough nowadays, but definitely something the world could use a lot more of.
Hi Talon -
You mean you can see them, too? Yay.
Me, too. This one is a parking lot on Wednesday afternoon. I always end up with things I don't need, but may just stop by today for goat cheese.
I like the article (got a little political toward the end - not my intent to get on a soapbox), but simple things like standing up when greeting someone, etc. that George Washington espoused are, as you say, always something the world could you more of.
I could go for the Farmer's Market pastries, I bet.
And for cloud gazing.
I'm swooning at the thought of the fresh tomatoes! Mine aren't ready, yet.
Jannie -
The last time I was there I got a little pecan pie sweetened with maple syrup. YUM.
Mama Zen -
I haven't had a fresh one yet either - so many even in the farm stands seem to be hothouse tomatoes. Looking forward to a good tomato for sure.
Lynn, I see so many things in the clouds I'm lucky I haven't crashed. It's the same fun as looking into a fire and finding all sorts of interesting things.
Oh, I'm just dying for a toasted tomato sandwich with the homegrown tomatoes which might never grow any bigger with the cold and lack of sun...but I remain hopeful.
Talon -
Ooh - tomato sandwiches. Yum. I hope the sun comes out for you soon and that the tomatoes get to grow!
You must of been driving to somewhere where you didn't really want to be. :-]
Hey G -
I am on the road a lot calling on clients and actually the group on this day is a great bunch of gals - it is always pleasant there. But it is about 45 minutes up there, so on these commutes I amuse myself in different ways. Sometimes enjoying the silence, but usually music is going or hands-free cellphone conversations with family and friends. This photo was taken when I thought I could clearly see two profiles in the clouds. :)
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