- Getting a kick out of being bossed around by Sophie, who likes to hang out in the kitchen, eternally wishing and hoping for more food.

- But sleeping in the sunshine is not a bad way to spend a weekend morning.

- Unless it's reading on the back porch.
our cat always surprises me with how many comfy places she finds to take a nap--the view from your porch is amazing
Cathy -
She likes that comfort mat - must be comfortable! I wouldn't know - I am usually stepping around her to get to the sink or dishwasher. :)
Thank you - I am thankful for the tall trees and wilderness around them.
Sounds like you and Sophie had a good weekend, Lynn. Isn't it funny how hollow-legged animals are? I love that you're surrounded by the trees.
Talon -
We did - I got caught up on reading and movie watching. Finally watched Slumdog Millionaire and The Reader. Netflix must think I left the country, I've had them so long.
Yes - they managed to keep the trees for the most part when they built the condominiums I live in. I chose this one for its view from the back.
Super looking sunny kitchen spot. And back porch! What a gorgeous big kitty mug too. Do you load that up with coffee?
What's the book under those glasses? Nosey Jannie.
Jannie -
It was loaded up with coffee - I filled it up three times. Someone gave me that mug years ago and it says that is hand-painted and not to put in the dishwasher. But it's been through the dishwasher about 1000 times. :)
I am reading the book I won on a Twitter contest - Julie & Julia by Julie Powell. Just saw the movie last week. Great read!
Jannie stole my question! I'm nosy too.
Mama Z -
I don't think y'all are nosy at all! And always looking for good book recommendations. :)
Thanks G!
I love the back porch...the whole feel of it - wonderful!
Thanks Lance! I also like to sit out there after dark and listen to music and night sounds.
3 cups! Girl, you must be skinny as a rake with all that caffeine in ya!
Jannie -
If only!
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