- More seminary artwork. This one makes me think of the shroud of Turin. I like it for its mysteriousness.
- Today is Abraham Lincoln's birthday, but it is also Georgia Day, the holiday which the state of Georgia recognizes in honor of its colonial founding as the Province of Georgia. On February 12, 1733, James Oglethorpe landed the first settlers in what was to become Georgia's first city, Savannah.
- It is also a day in 2010 that Georgia is expecting 1 to 3 inches of snow. There is much excitement and laying in of supplies. :) Bring it on, Mother Nature!
Have a great weekend, my friends, full of warmth, love and laughter!
Happy Georgia Day Lynn!!!
And...enjoy the snow!
Lance -
We do enjoy snow here because we seldom see it. Kids improvise sleds, etc. Lots of fun.
And I think I might be the only one who knows about Georgia Day. Although Wikipedia says they have a big celebration in Savannah each year. I might have to look that up. :)
I love the colors in that artwork.
I hope the kids get to do their sledding because it's gotta be a blast to have some snow when you're young enough not to have to shovel it! ;)
Have a fabulous weekend, Lynn!
Happy Georgia Day!
Talon -
They use the darnedest things here to sled - cardboard, etc. and plastic food trays work great.
I hope your weekend is good, too!
Mama Zen -
Thank you - I am the only one celebrating. :)
"mysterious" indeed! I had seen the snow heading your way - enjoy! I have to leave tomorrow for New York City to get some snow as there is nothing here but rain.
We are leaving for the States tomorrow. Going to Arizona. I'm just hoping for some sun!
Enjoy your weekend Lynn!
Lady M -
I hope you have a great time - my niece lives there - just near Times Square. I hope to go visit soon.
Joe -
Wow - Arizona. I've never been there. I sure you will find some warmth for sure. I hope you have a great time, too!
Stay warm in the snow :) Your comment about Rod Stewart cracked me up!
Happy Georgia Day, Lynn. :) We're getting some serious snow right now, and I understand y'all got quite a bit earlier, and still ongoing. Hope you enjoy it, and stay warm!
p.s. I'd never heard of Georgia Day, and I was raised in Georgia, with all my roots and family in Georgia. Where have they been hiding such a wonderful celebration? (My guess as to why: because we were a debtor colony. Maybe it sounds shameful?)
Great art again! What a name- I can not seem to say it!
Happy state holiday n Lincoln day too-
MB once got to spend a week in Savannah, n saved me a map of the center square- Thanks for the historical reminder- I used to know that, I think!
Did you ever try a plastic trash-can cover as a snow saucer? By far the all time fave tho is a "SnoTube" air-filled (tire) inner tube- I have snow, n a hill, but no time off to do it!
Good luck with your Snow-In plan!
Riot Kitty -
I will. And I got a kick out of your Rod Stewart post. :)
Meredith -
The snow is so gorgeous - I love the silvery branches just outside the window. Yes - I heard about the snow in South Carolina, too. My poor sister in Virginia has been covered for days and days now. A little cabin fever there.
Georgia Day - I just remember learning that in school. The georgia.gov site said that Savannah has a big celebration of it every year, but I saw no mention of that on any Savannah site. And fortunately we moved beyond that debtors' colony thing. :)
Snaggle -
Did you like Savannah? I've been to their big St. Patrick's Day celebration before. And my niece's friend was married there last Spring - it was fun to go back.
Yes - they were showing trash can lids as sleds on the news - plastic bin lids, that kind of thing.
Snow and a hill - that sounds lovely.
Georgia Day! Georgia Day! One day late.
Did you get the white stuff? I saw they did in some parts of your fair State, looked heavy and wet. And fun!
oh, that shroud of Turin idea reminds me that last week Blue Bunny thinks he saw Einstein's face in his karrit soop.
Jannie -
We did and it was pretty exciting. So beautiful - I took a few photos this morning and will show them on Monday.
I thought Blue Bunny would like Karrit Soup.
hapy valentimes!!
luvs blue bunny. and my jannie too.
Happy Georgia Day!
We could use some snow up here!
Blue Bunny and Jannie -
Thank you and I hope you had a happy Valentines Day, too - with lots of karrits and beers. :) xoxo
Cookie -
I think we have snow again this morning. A wealth of snow!
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