- Three daughters send flowers to their mother for Valentines Day. She wants to give the young delivery person a tip, who says, "We don't accept tips, but I'll take a hug."
- Consistently oversleeping three mornings in a row, due to a power outage making the clock malfunction. But waking up anyway because of the loyalty of the programmed thermostat making the heat come on. The warmth wakes me.
I love the hug part, Lynn.
And the warmth of the furnace...I feeling it right now, here, too! It feels great!
Rhapsody in Blue is one of my very favorite pieces!
I love the hug part, too.
Lance -
I was initially alarmed when she told me that, but Macon is like a big small town and it is completely in character for a delivery person to give hugs.
Kenju -
Rhapsody in Blue was my late father's favorite piece of music. It felt like a little gift from him, hearing it play while the snow fell.
Lynn, the photo is lovely! The music sublime!
I'm glad you explained about the hug. My first thought was "Oh oh! That sounds kind of weird!"
Waking up to warmth is a nice way to start the day :)
Talon -
The same thing happened one day when she left her cane at the drug store. It has an address label on it to identify its owner. A store employee brought it to her and she tried to tip her. The young lady just said, "how about a hug instead?" I think mom has that kind of motherly/grandmotherly look that makes people want to hug her.
I can totally see the hug thing happening in Macon. I bet your Mom gives good ones, too. :)
Maybe you should skip the alarm clock in winter. The warmth waking you sounds so much more soothing and a wonderful way to slowly begin the day.
Gorgeous snow picture!
Oh, and Rhapsody in Blue must have been divine with that snow swirling down. What a cool commute!
Meredith -
I get some kind of catalog that has Zen-like items in it and there is an alarm clock that wakes you with an increasing light. I like the sound of that.
That was the perfect music to sit in traffic and watch snowflakes swirl to. And it made me think of my dad.
"I'll take a hug" - love it! Beautiful picture, btw.
Riot Kitty -
She would hug you. And I took about nine shots, but this one was the prettiest, I think.
Beautiful photograph, I love the delivery guy and the hug story, and the warm wake-up is a winner every time!
Lady M -
Great snow n branches pic! Hope the drivewent well-
Aren't hugs better than cash?
Must've been a tough day for your Mom- always is for me too-
What happened to the Sophie-Alarm?
Here I have a squirrel alarm rattling my window (where's the food?)
Snaggle -
Sophie is mainly about the weekend wake-up call. She is 17 years old now and it amazes me how deeply she sleeps.
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