- A favorite client, Tori, is pregnant - she shared this news with me early on and before it was generally publicized. The second part of the news came yesterday - it is a boy! They want one of each so this is a good start.
- My snowed-in sister in the Shenandoah Valley, sounding positively giddy with the fun part of cabin fever as she makes soup and potato pancakes with two neighbors. The men were playing Wii. Am I the only one who doesn't have a Wii? :)
Hey Lynn,
Well...we have a Wii (although I really don't personally use it very much...).
And speaking of snow, I will have to go out and clear our driveway pretty soon!
Big congrats to Tori!!!
We haven't used our Wii in a while.
We only have the sports pack but it's fun moving around to it. I love the golf and bowling. Thanks for the reminder, I might just entice Kelly into a game tonight.
I am quite wee, too wee to play wii even if i stands on a stool.
Lance -
I think I would like that Wiifit thing for exercising. My hairdresser's wife loved the Wii golf game so much that she has taken up actual golf. And she was playing Wii table tennis with the hair client who came after me on Monday.
Jannie -
Sounds like perfect Jannie and Kelly time! See comment about golf above. :)
Blue Bunny -
You sound like you have fun all the time, even without a wii, wee one.
My younger daughter has a wii, and is quite into it, but no one else in the house goes near it. Not that I'd be keen on making soup and pancakes either. :D
No Wii over here!
I'm scared to think a meatloaf would require a sword to get through - lol!
Congrats to Tori!
It's nice when we get a legitimate excuse to play games! I'll take some of those pancakes :)
Joe -
Those gals were making some kind of thick bean soup and her friend said that potato pancakes go well with that. Shredded potatoes, onions, made into small "pancakes" and sauteed in oil. Yum. I say. :)
Talon -
You and me - the only ones with no Wii.
Nope....I don't have one either...matter of fact, I gave up video gaming many, many decades ago, when I found much better things to occupy my time with...
Yes, I think you are the only without a wii.
That is the fun part about being snowed in. It makes time to be with the ones close to you :)
I don't have a wii, and pancakes sound really good about now :)
G -
I do like to play simple games on my old laptop computer when I watch TV - Hearts, mahjong.
Cookie -
Nope - G and Talon don't have them either. I wonder how long we will go without? :)
Riot Kitty -
One more with no Wii! I love potato pancakes, too. Or any pancakes for that matter. :)
I don't have a Wii, although I have played the bowling game, and I beat F. at it! :)
I love how you say your friend has made a good start because she's having a boy. That all-purpose, generic "good start" would of course work for either at this point in the journey. ;) Still, it's good news!
Congrats to Tori.
And yes, I too don't have Wii :)
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I ate some meatloaf this week! I'd like to see the sword tho-
Often you get more of one n none of the other for kids- All are a blessing regardless! (I finally got my boys as grandchildren).
I don't have a wii, n haven't played yet- tho BBM has it down the hill-
No Wii for Meredith, Bhavesh and Snaggle either!
Meredith -
They would have been happy either way, and would like a daughter, too. I probably did not word that well.
Bhavesh -
Thank you for stopping by again!
Snaggle -
Yes - all children are a blessing.
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