- My work neighborhood, that I often refer to as a concrete jungle for its industrial aspect, is also chock full of lovely little cottage homes like this one, with its fence full of roses.

- Right across the street, a budding artist apparently had lots of time to apply some graffiti. Hopefully those skills will be put to employable use some day. My friend Jerry was a graffiti artist in the Bronx, New York, back in the day, and is now a very successful graphic designer.

- And across town, the newly painted bathroom wall with its bright mood-enhancing new color.
My mood is enhanced just thinking about the weekend! I hope yours is lovely and bright.
Oh, the bathroom color turned out great!!
And those roses, oh, I could write a long and winding poem on the places they take me.
have a good one!
What gorgeous roses - do they flood the air with scent?
I hope that the graffiti artist does put those skills to good use. I've often wondered how they do such detail with spray cans - I can hardly cover a piece of wicker furniture properly with the stuff!
I think the color is gorgeous, Lynn! Without the floral paper it must look so much bigger, too!
Have a fantastic weekend, Lynn! xx
Oh, I love the new look in the bathroom! That lavender cabinet is too lovely. You have great taste, Lynn. :)
Taggers are very brave these days. Or at least, in certain neighborhoods they are. The police sent out a swat van and a helicopter unit in my old neighborhood for a couple of kids, probably not even 18 years old, who dared to spray, and I was there when they took one down to the ground at gunpoint. It seemed a little excessive -- but I've had more respect for these street artists ever since.
And those roses are amazing!
deere lynn, i cood come ober and painte yor littel cubberd for you, i sees some paints is skratched off. i reel good in painting. and i cood sing enny songs you wanting wile i painting! i best wit frank snatra and the roling stoones.
Oh TGIF indeed! The artist Jean-Michel Basquiat started out as a graffiti artist, too.
I love those roses!
I love roses, my mom was the greatest gardener of roses I remember the smell oh so well and the colors were always amazing.
I loved seeing these pictures.
Dorothy from grammology
Lovely picket fence roses- ours aren't out yet-
"voce" in portuguese means "you". I'd like to have grafetti design time...
Is that the same room? Wow! You really know how to pick 'em!
Jannie -
Write a long and winding poem about the roses. How about it?
Talon -
I could not smell them - this was an out the car window shot and then I rolled down the passenger window - leaned over and snapped it.
I am pleased as punch with my bathroom - it looks very girly. :)
Meredith -
Thank you! I love that cabinet, too - I got it at a shop in Little Five Points sometime in the mid-80s.
Wow - that is something that the police took him down like that. One day I say a bunch of highway employees scrubbing off graffiti from the side of the expressway. Very daring.
Blue Bunny -
You know - that was the distressed look - so popular in the 90s (probably before you were borned.) But I could go for some bunny songs, especially the Stones!
Riot Kitty -
That artist is in good company then! TGIF indeed. I'm down at the family home with sisters packing up stuff. Lots of laughing and a few tears.
Mama Zen -
So lovely to see the roses in the midst of the concrete jungle.
Dorothy -
I am pleased you stopped by - I'll check out your blog a little later - I'm on a deadline to get off my sister's computer. :)
Snaggle -
Thanks Snaggle! I do like it after the initial shock of seeing the whole room in that color.
Happy weekend!
i kant get no satisfaxshuns.
angie, angie, aint it gud to bee alive?
the honkietonk wommin, givs me, givs me, givs me the honkietonk blues.
you lieked thems singings?
I like the bathroom colour. :)
I love the graffiti. :D
Have a wonderful weekend Lynn. :)
Blue Bunny -
Really good! I love my Stones. And my Blue Bunny. xoxoxo
Joe -
Thank you and I like that graffiti, too. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
I guess the beautiful cottages and the roses compensates for the industrial melee.
Hope the graffiti artist finds a better canvas. And that's a nice antique-looking cabinet you've got.
Shyamanga -
My work neighborhood is beautiful in its own way, for sure.
Thank you - I like it, too. :)
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