- Visiting with my mother all day on Saturday and catching up on sleep from the week as we have recliner naps in front of the home and garden channel on TV.
- Mother's neighbor from across the hall stops by to say that he only got to know my father for a few months, but that he was a good man. "He stood straight and tall."
That's pretty light, Lynn. Is it on the back stairs of your condo? I too love how the light changes over 365 days a year, highighting (literally) different things as the year goes on. Beautiful!
That's such a nice thing to hear about your father. He was an amazng man from all you've shared with us.
Hope your Monday is as awesome as you are!
i so mutch loves wen the gardin and home chanil shows the karrit gardins!! i lieks karrits -- in kase yoo did not kno.
from me
blue Bunny
Jannie -
That was at my church on Sunday morning - I came up the back from the church office to the sanctuary and loved the light on the stairs.
It was so nice of him to stop and say that - he is a amazing man, too.
You are awesome, too, my friend.
Blue Bunny -
Mom and I like those shows that take an overgrown yard and fix it so it is prettier. But we mostly didn't see the whole show because we kept napping. :)
Here is a good looking Karrit recipe I might try:
What a gorgeous capture, Lynn. I love the color spilling onto the stairs like that!
I'm glad you and your Mom had a peaceful visit.
I think the way a person carries themself says a lot about who they are. :)
I love the photo too.
What a lovely thing to hear about your father too. :)
Happy Monday, Lynn. :)
I could linger long on that staircase. Saying your dad was "straight and tall" is the same as saying he had "true grit". Love it.
What a compliment for your father! I'm pretty sure this expression refers to a lot more than just posture. :) I'm so glad that neighbor stopped by to share his impressions with you, Lynn.
Imagining twin recliner naps made me smile.
The light on the stairs is full of mystery and divinity and quiet grace. So glad someone was around to notice and even to capture this profound moment.
The colours are lovely.
Few things enthuse and brighten up the inside of a place more than light streaming onto the stairs.
It's as if one is stepping out in the sunshine.
That is a wonderful thing to hear about your Dad.
Talon -
Can you see the blue on the lower stair? I liked that the most.
I think you are right - a person's bearing says a lot about them.
Joe -
Happy Monday, to you, too! And it was so lovely.
Granny Annie -
True Grit - my dad would have loved that. (He was a huge John Wayne fan, too.)
Meredith -
He is a World War II veteran, too, a lovely man and always reading.
We tried to get mom to get a small sofa and new, more stylish recliner, but she loves these old lazyboy recliners and I have to say - as clunky as they are, they sure are comfy. I didn't get nearly enough sleep last week and it was nice to do a lot of napping there with mom. :)
The light on the stairs was a nice quiet moment.
Anil P -
Stepping out in the sunshine - what a nice thought and insight.
It was lovely to hear that about him - I miss him very much.
That is a great photo! But you knew that. I have always made it a point of sharing some nice or strange memory with surviving family and friends, because I have enjoyed it when people who have known my loved ones have shared with me.
Riot Kitty -
I think I have a lot to learn about photography - I just go by instinct and hope for the best.
That sounds like a good thing to me, my friend.
I love that colored window glow!
Great that you can nap while visiting- whish I had more nap ops! A thoughtful n kind neighbor there too- can't have too many.
Snaggle -
I love colored glass and the patterns it makes when light shines through it.
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