- Making an impromptu sundae of sorts with crunched up graham cracker cereal, vanilla yogurt and chopped up banana on top. Yum.
- Having brought home a large soup pot from mom and dad's house, it can't seem to find a home in my kitchen. So it rests on the stove top for now and dreams of the day someone will fill it with something good.
That photo looks fairly typical of the weather we've been having in the UK recently, although this is meant to be a sunny week....but I'm still waiting!
Great shot, Lynn. The sun's rays pushing through that heavy cloud is so neat!
The impromptu sundae sounds scrumptious!
You know, they style kitchens a lot with big soup pots on the stove - gives that nice homey feel. :)
Your treat sounds like the parfait I wanted the other day from Maverik, but had already bought a smoothie. Yum.
Beautiful shot!
Joe -
The sun is our friend today, but yesterday was kind of gloomy, especially in the morning.
Talon -
I almost cropped out the railroad tracks, but left them. Atlanta was once called Terminus because it was first a railroad hub. Train tracks still run all through it.
So I inadvertently styled my kitchen? How about that? :)
Jewel -
It came from the impulse buy of graham cracker cereal at Fresh Market that I keep forgetting to take home. So that kind of came together here at work since I had the yogurt and banana with me, too. So good.
Mama Zen -
Thank you!
Love the sunshine streaming through the clouds!
And that sundae (with vanilla yogurt!!!) sounds delicious!!
my deerist lynn.
i wood very mutch liek. go ober to lanta and fil up yor pot wit karrits and maek yoo a nise stoo wit yor favrit gredients.
see yoo soon!
I feel like I always say the same things - 1) great pic, and 2) your blog makes me hungry! I could go for that snack right about now.
Lance -
Thank you - I was so happy to be outside yesterday morning to take that photo.
And vanilla yogurt makes me happy. :)
Blue Bunny -
I could go for some Karrit Stew! With pickles in it. Come on!
Riot Kitty -
I am always glad to see you every day no matter what you say. I was lucky to capture that photo and I had that snack again today since it was so good. :)
Crunched up graham cracker cereal, yogurt and real fruit...there's not a better snack out there! I was addicted to this treat when I worked my first paralegal job next to a Starbuck's. I realized I didn't have to pay $4 every day for something I could make it home for SO MUCH LESS!
Nice view of Atlanta! It rained a bit here, too, and we needed it.
Happy Wednesday, amiguita! :)
Ily -
I am often lured by the items in the Starbucks case, too. That might have been where I saw this treat first - or maybe it was the airport. :) They had a container one day of cheese, fruit and walnuts once, too, and I almost paid a lot of money for it, when I realized how easy that is to make yourself.
It is good to see you here, my friend!
the light thru the clouds like that is what I call a "Glory" shot- Times like that I always think of God's awesome power beaming down...
So beautiful a photo!
woops, now I want ice cream before bedtime! (just a spoonful-) ooo carrot stew with pickles could cure that thought!
btw- nothing fits in my tiny kitchen! Pots n pans all over- top of the frig, hanging on the wall, ontop of the stove hood- then the ones used for temporary storage of other supples... have to empty to use- yikes! Those large pans are very pricey these days too!
Snaggle -
I like that - a Glory shot. I didn't even notice the light streaming through the clouds until I downloaded the photo.
I was having fun with Blue Bunny. :) I hope you got your ice cream.
My kitchen is tiny, too. I have way more pots and pans than one woman needs, but I did not have a large soup pot like that. So hopefully it'll find a home soon. I think some rearranging is in order.
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