- Amused looks from friends preparing to play the dominoes game "Trains" when I explain I cannot stay because I plan to be asleep in the next hour. 9:00pm.
- The sunrise in my rear view mirror also mirrored in the glass buildings in the looming skyline of Atlanta.
I knew people who would play domino trains all night long. I never have played but they sure loved it.
9:00 is a lovely time for bed -- healthy, wealthy and wise. :)
Jannie -
I made it to bed about 9:30pm - asleep the minute my head hit the pillow. Maybe some wiseness will hit me later. :)
My family plays the domino game "Chicken Foot" which is similar. The folks who play the train game at church stay there till all hours, but they are retired. I am always flattered that they ask me to play.
Beautiful shot! So peaceful and serene! Love this!
Lovely photo. I always go to bed at 09:30, 10 PM at the latest- even on weekends. My friends are always so surprised when they get me to stay up past my bedtime!
I go to bed at 1.00am. How serene is that? Oh and I'm normally up by 6.00am. :D
I love that we can have those "serenity now" places tucked inside that we can visit any time we choose.
I'm a night owl by nature so it's something I've had to fight all my life - lol!
Sheila -
Thank you - and thanks for stopping by!
Lynn -
It is getting earlier and earlier to bed, but I get up very early, too. My friends are the same way. :)
Joe -
So five hours of sleep is enough for you. I need way more than that. You are a night owl!
Talon -
That is one of my go to spots in my head when I am stressed - I can hear the river rushing by.
You and Joe - two night owls! :)
Beautiful photo Lynn; I want to simply sit on a rock and watch the water! (Instead I'm going to the dentist!) ug. NO comparison there!
P.S. My pc's fixed!!! The mountains are again playing tricks on the signal we receive!
lg -
I am not fond of going to the dentist either. :)
You are the second person today in the Carolinas I've heard having computer issues. I'm glad you are up and running.
I don't think 10 p.m. is strange at all -- especially if you need to get up by 6:00. I'm still switching over to my summer schedule, when I'll need to be up and at 'em early to take advantage of the cool hours in the garden (last August I was up at 5:00!) I actually prefer the early rising once it is habit. Transitioning gradually is key for me. :)
I've missed you this week, Lynn, and I'm sure I'll catch the back issues once I've got a connection secured. They might have to rewire the house (!), and it's a mess. Miss you.
A rich monsoon feel to the place. The kind of atmosphere I might expect trekking in the Westren Ghats when rain clouds hover above, threatening a downpour.
I could use a moment of serenity right about now. Hence, DQ. Nice photo!
"Cool, clear, water..." I can hear the song but can't remember who was singing it! The water babbling noise is very calming! I love mini vacas- We do need them with our hectic lives.
Trains? That isin't just the set up of a trail to knock down, is it? We used to play the number match kind of board game with dominoes. Chicken fot- is thar three on one number? I'll google it when I get more time...
Enhanced sunrising sounds like a grand experience!
Meredith -
I am up a little before 5 on the weekdays - I get to work at 7 or a little after. I like to put the kettle on and write my little blog in the 5am hour. That will be an excellent time for you to garden.
I've missed you, too, this week - but I understand all the craziness surrounding wiring problems. Oh my - that sounds pretty major - rewiring the house. Take care -
Anil P -
There is a certain wilderness to the area - lots of backpackers and people rafting about. It is a very serene place.
Riot Kitty -
Blizzard? I love the Heath Bar Blizzard.
Snaggle -
It is like a mini-vaca going there.
Trains is just a variation of Chicken Foot - my mom and dad started playing this a few years ago. It's a fun game. You end up with threads of dominoes branching out from a central one. You build upon similar tiles.
I love this picture, it is so peaceful!
Thanks Shay - and happy birthday, my friend!
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