- Taking a thrift shop pile of stuff to the Goodwill truck and enjoying the few moments of conversation with the nice man who collected the items from my car. There is a huge feeling of satisfaction in taking stuff out of my house as opposed to bringing more in.
- On the flip side, it makes me a little sad to drive away from the laundry hamper, large basket and miscellaneous kitchen stuff when I think about bringing them in when they were new. But they will move on to other homes and hopefully someone will need them.
I'd forgotten how much I love Roobibos tea. I have a fresh box, but it's packed away right now. I'll look forward to cup when I unload those boxes tucked away in the garage into the new cupboards.
It's interesting what memories flood in when you handle things you've been given or purchased. And it's a great feeling when you get pass things on to new places to make some new memories for someone else. :)
I've never had Rooibos tea before. Maybe I should try it. :)
I so agree about the feeling you get when you drop off stuff at Goodwill. It's a clean feeling, somehow, getting rid of things we don't need. I need to do that with our summer clothing soon!
I'm sure the stuff that you no longer want or need will find a good home.
Makes way for lovely new things in your abode too!
Talon -
I love Rooibos tea - it is so lovely. And you are right - making memories for someone else is reward in itself.
Meredith -
The house felt so much emptier with that stuff out of it.
Joe -
I hope so. :)
What is Rooibos exactly?
I have a cow mug that came with hot chocolate packet I had buried in the cupbaord rediscovered this year also. My teacups wear-out after awhile- Tea sounds good- never heard of it- those chocolates are primo-
Here we have a salvation army store.
Stuff I use is too trashed when I discard it to pass onward- I love opening up space tho- crowded in here.
What a thought.
Dumping old memories so others can have new ones.
Riot Kitty -
Rooibos is also known as redbush tea - it is similar to green tea in that it has antioxidants and no caffeine. I love the taste much more than green tea.
Snaggle -
I hear that one man's trash is another man's treasure - it's probably never so worn that someone else might not be a able to use it.
desk49 -
Hi Ellis - it's good to see you. That's a nice thought - to clear out old memories and someone having new ones. I like that.
"Out with the old" makes me a little sentimental as well, but if we don't want to become little old lady pack rats we have to do it. I applaud you for parting with your stuff...it's someone else's turn to enjoy it, right??
Btw, there's nothing like Ghirardelli chocolate! OMG!!!
Happy Friday, Chica! xo
Ily -
I like those little bites of chocolate - just enough. So good!
Happy Friday to you, too! xo
Ahhh, so bittersweet for things to come and go -- but I do believe you've made the world a much better place for everyone bu passing things along!
Oh my goodness!! I LOVE those Ghiradelli squares, especially the ones filled with caramel. Kelly and I both go wild for that kind. Which kind are YOUR faves??
Jannie -
I like the caramel ones the best - also mint. They are a good size for a quick snack. :)
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