- A group of brightly dressed women walking purposefully down the street, all wearing identical straw hats.
- Visiting a dessert buffet featuring a vat of warm chocolate in the center, surrounded by strawberries, blackberries, apricot slices, raspberry shortbread cookies and tiny cream puffs. So good!
Yay, it's the weekend! Have a great one!
The cookies sound good!
Any idea why the women were all wearing straw hats?
Have a good one Lynn!
That last one sounds good enough to spend the weekend suffering through a monster sugar high and all of the residual effects associated with it.
Joe -
They all got off the bus together and were walking toward the Buddhist Temple. They were most likely keeping the sun off their faces. They looked adorable.
G -
I almost didn't want the dinner buffet food when I saw the chocolate buffet. :) It was worth the sugar high.
yay! It IS the weekend!!
Yes, me too on wondering about the matching straw hats.
Ahh, I see... off to temple. Good to protect the face from sun as a general rule. But good to feel it on the face too --especially in spring.
Whoops -- I slid in under BB's account -- that happens sometimes, :)
xo (agin) :)
Ooh....that dessert buffet sounds way yummy!!!
And - the straw hats - it brings a smile to my face!
Jannie (impersonating Blue Bunny) -
I am so happy it is Friday!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!
Lance -
I am all about fruit dipped in chocolate. Oh yum.
It's a holiday weekend here - yay for long weekends (and long hours in the kitchen - lol!).
I love dipping fresh fruit into chocolate cuz everyone knows chocolate makes everything better :)
Talon -
Don't work too hard! Chocolate does make everything better. I do love it so...
OK, once again, your blog makes me hungry! I want to go eat a cream puff now.
This is so good and nice to hear !!Beautiful post !!
Never know when you'll need to plow the North 40! Can't imagine needing too many snowplows there... Driving n Clicking can be bad for your health... Did they honk?
Were they related to the red hat women?
Mmmm chocolate! Must find some...
Riot Kitty -
I hope you got your cream puff. :)
...would have liked to see those women with the straw hats photographed!
lg (hugs Lynn)
lg -
Alas - I was in moving traffic. But they made me smile. :)
Hugs to you and Happy Sunday morning!
That breakfast buffet sounds divine!
Mama Zen -
It was divine - it probably sounded like breakfast, but it was at a graphics industry event. Cocktails and food.
Is it Monday morning yet?? I needs me some Lynn!! :)
Oh Jannie Muffin!
I am so flattered!!! I just took my Monday blog photo - of some plates that came from my Grandma's house, via my mom's house and now have a home at my house.
I hope you have had a good day. xo
Bharat -
Thank you, my friend.
Snaggle -
Yes - pretty sure those plows would have been for the north 40. :) No honking. Snapped just as the light changed and then I drove away.
They weren't those red hat society gals - just regular straw hats.
Odd that your comment and Bharat's showed up later. Sorry for just now responding.
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