Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Madly reading, angel and with all her might

- Realizing I am not the only one behind on things when I go to my county library site and find that the book my book group is reading for Sunday, "Rabbit, Run" by John Updike, has 12 requests. Scrolling to the bottom, I find that there is a large-print version not yet requested. I can deal with that and be madly reading until then.

- Receiving an anonymous gift. The email announcing it says, "How about that, you have an angel! No, it wasn't me."

- My kitty, who has been standoffish since our vet visit last week, purring with all her might when I pick her up this morning.


Jannie Funster said...

Our kitty was amazingly stoic at his vet visit. hes' a trooper. Trouper? Always good when the kitty shines her blessings again!

Lynn said...

Sophie originally lived at the clinic - for about a month. But I guess she has no memory of that because she struggles so. She really hates being crated and riding in the car - the whole thing is bad for both of us. She pouts for days.

How old is your kitty?