- Overhearing a man congratulating another on his new grandchild through the wall behind my office. Then more discussion between these two very nice men about how great it is to have grandchildren.
- A friend tells of walking her dog in her neighborhood and a daily encounter with a recent immigrant from Russia, who knows one word of English. She likes to pet Cathy's dog, crooning, "Lovely!" over and over.
If there's one word to croon, "Lovely" is a mighty fine one indeed, springs immediately to mind when I think of Lynn from Atlanta!
have a joyous one, my Lovely friend!!
Jannie -
You are quite lovely yourself, my dear! I thought the same thing - for her first english word, she picked a great one.
It looks so green and lush in the picture...and has me even more ready for the sunshine (and new leaves) I am seeing here today!!
I can't wait to have grandchildren some day (my own children willing, that is - lol!)
That is so sweet about the lovely. Jannie is right on both counts! :)
How nice that is was 2 men you heard talking about their Grand children like that. That warms the heart.
My partner would love the photo, well love to be playing on the course anyway.
If you were going to pick a word, that one ought to be right up there at the top of the list. :) I know about 30 words of Romanian (F.'s language) now, and "beautiful," "thank you," and "I love you" are the ones that get used most frequently with his mom on the telephone. ;)
That must have been one relaxing lunch locale. Lovely, too!
Lance -
It is headed your way!
Talon -
I didn't know until I went in to work today that this is Bobby's first grandchild - a lovely baby named Savannah.
And thank you, my friend! You are lovely, too.
Joe -
It is named after a famous Atlantan who was a professional golfer and is right on Civil war battlegrounds.
Both very nice men and I like that, too.
Meredith -
You picked three wonderful words - and I think I overuse the word lovely on my blog, but I love it. :)
That's a sweet word to know, anyhow. I had an interesting conversation with someone in Spanish yesterday, and she said all she knew in English was, "Hi." Good one to know as well!
Most definitely, "lovely" is an excellent first word to know.
There are worse words to know!
Riot Kitty -
Absolutely. I didn't know you speak Spanish.
G -
I found that fascinating that someone taught her that word.
Mama Zen -
True. :)
Lovely green golf course!
Lovely having grandchildren- I agree!
Friendly neighbors who like animals are lovely too!
Snaggle -
I love how everything is just bursting with the green right now...
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