- It is lovely to see the buds popping out on trees and it is so warm that the couple next door are already enjoying their deck up in the trees in the evenings.
- A co-worker hits the after Easter sale and brings back half off candy to share at work. My favorite - black jelly beans.
- Receiving emails from someone that begin with "Dear ..." and knowing that this person really does mean the word dear.
Dear Lynn...I love Easter candy too! My favorite jellybean is coconut. And chocolate, mmmm.Lucky you, I am still anxiously awaiting warmer weather...and trees popping.
It's good to be "dear" to someone. I used to have a thriving correspondence with a girlfriend overseas before email came along, and we'd write "dearest" in the salutation. Glad to know the form survives even in the electronic age -- and of course, the sentiment will never be threatened, no matter the format. :)
It's getting to 92 today, and my poor cabbages and lettuces don't know what to do, hating the heat. :(
You are a dear, too! Yes - things are bursting with green - most of the flowering trees here are on the wane and will only be leafed out soon.
The pollen count here today is 2967. That is the amount of Pollen particles measured within the last 24 hours in a cubic meter of air. I could write my name in the yellow dust on my car. Awful. :)
Mama Zen -
That's the time to buy 'em!
Meredith -
My dear friend in England is the lady I am speaking of - she always calls me Dear. I kind of like that. :)
I know - I still haven't put the geraniums outside and I recall that you said they don't like temps above 85. Now I feel I should have acclimated them before now.
the trees here are just beginning. I've been on the deck recently myself. I haven't really eaten my Easter candy yet- teeth are giving me problems. I don't eat the black licorice flavored jellybeans! Great to know sincere folks n stay in touch! I've been meaning to get some cards out- but those tax forms are first-
Dear Lynn...I love Easter candy too! My favorite jellybean is coconut. And chocolate, mmmm.Lucky you, I am still anxiously awaiting warmer weather...and trees popping.
Dear Jewel -
It is going to be 86 degrees today. I guess we went straight to summer.
I love the orange jelly beans so we could definitely share :)
Buds are starting to burst here on some shrubs and there's a softening in the trees. I love the intense greens of spring.
You are dear, Lynn. :)
I hit the half off Easter sale, too. Cadbury eggs by the handfuls!
It's good to be "dear" to someone. I used to have a thriving correspondence with a girlfriend overseas before email came along, and we'd write "dearest" in the salutation. Glad to know the form survives even in the electronic age -- and of course, the sentiment will never be threatened, no matter the format. :)
It's getting to 92 today, and my poor cabbages and lettuces don't know what to do, hating the heat. :(
Talon -
You are a dear, too! Yes - things are bursting with green - most of the flowering trees here are on the wane and will only be leafed out soon.
The pollen count here today is 2967. That is the amount of Pollen particles measured within the last 24 hours in a cubic meter of air. I could write my name in the yellow dust on my car. Awful. :)
Mama Zen -
That's the time to buy 'em!
Meredith -
My dear friend in England is the lady I am speaking of - she always calls me Dear. I kind of like that. :)
I know - I still haven't put the geraniums outside and I recall that you said they don't like temps above 85. Now I feel I should have acclimated them before now.
What flavor are black jelly beans?
RK -
I think licorice.
the trees here are just beginning. I've been on the deck recently myself. I haven't really eaten my Easter candy yet- teeth are giving me problems. I don't eat the black licorice flavored jellybeans! Great to know sincere folks n stay in touch!
I've been meaning to get some cards out- but those tax forms are first-
Snaggle -
I hope you have a good day today. It sure has been beautiful here lately.
Yoo ARE a dear!!!
and nise deck to injoy for yor naybers.
my jannie not lieks the blak jellie beens, maybe she wil send yoo those. She favrits is oringe, lemon and that's it!
Blue Bunny -
You are a dear, too! I like the black and red ones. Orange and yellow, not so much.
I love the blossoming trees. I'll skip the candy;)
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