- My new favorite radio station AM 1690 "The Voice of the Arts" plays the quirkiest music and they played a blues song yesterday in which a man announced to a woman that she was "a trifler!" Great word, that.
- The wind has been up so much in Atlanta that dandelion blossoms are blowing through the air, looking like traveling sparkles.
I hope you have a sparkling weekend!
Hmmmmm...I was always of the belief that 45 is the new 27.
G -
Works for me! :D
The act of trifling is making a big comeback these days but primarily among men as in Woods, James, Edwards, Clinton, etc. I had not thought of the word "trifler" in ages.
Annie -
You are right! :) I was kind of taken with that word. I saw a poem (when I looked up how to spell it), called "The Trifler" by Dorothy Parker. It is actually about death, but the definition of a trifler being "wild and fickle and fierce" caught my eye.
Trifle is also a dessert. So you can actually trifle with the trifle while conversing with a trifler! lol!
I guess I might techncially be like 35 or something :)
I envision Atlanta being completely yellow when those seeds settle!
Have a fabulous weekend, Lynn.
I love the image of traveling sparkles.
I'm glad to hear that 40 is the new 30 -- so I can look forward to being 30, which I didn't do the first time around, LOL. Actually, I'll take any age as long as I don't have to go back and live the mentality of a 19-year-old again. ;)
Talon -
Hey - that would be clever! I make a chocolate trifle. And had to buy a special trifle dish for it. So good.
You have a fabulous weekend, too!
Meredith -
Thank you - I like the sparkle effect, too.
19 was kind of an angst ridden age for me, too. I don't get to caught up in milestone birthdays and what they mean to ones life. I think that you can be happy at any age.
Having a sparkling weekend yourself Lynn!!
lg :)
Age is just a number.
Have a wonderful weekend Lynn!
lg -
Thanks lg! :) Happy Friday!
Joe -
Absolutely! I agree.
We've got wind gusts of 40-50 MPH today!
...and may your weekend sparkle, too, Lynn!!!!
Mama Zen -
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...so that 40-50 mph sounds about right! :)
Lance -
Thank you, my friend!
I keep telling my dad, who turned 60 last year, what I read in the NY Times, that 60 is the new 40. I'll keep the 40 is the new 30 theme in mind in 7 years...
Riot Kitty -
Your dad sounds like a fun guy and hardly old at 60, for sure. :)
I know that 50 is roughly the start of middle age now, where it was once 40. So I've heard. So 4o is the new 30 for sure makes sense.
I do like trifle, um good. But have no special dish for it.
Man, I mean Woman, (obviously,) it's been plenty windy here too. I like it, especially listening to it at night.
Jannie -
I like listening to the wind, too. Hope your day is good.
traveling sparkles...thats cool.
happy birthday sign man! smiles.
Brian -
I get kind of kick out of the sign. :)
That's a very amusing sign, alright! Some one wants a gift!
Thanks for the clue, Granny Annie!
the dandelions are getting in a bumper crop! At least the floating seeds are cute!
Happy Sunday!
Numbers -
Thank you.
Snaggle -
Happy Sunday to you, too!
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