- Walking down the hallway of Georgia Public Broadcasting with artwork hanging on either side, I am struck by this oil on canvas that makes me feel as if I could step right into the painted gazebo.
- A mid-week drive to Madison, Georgia to meet with my clients and passing scene after scene like the one above. When we settle down to our meeting, I say, "Do you feel lucky to live in a place as magical as this?" They smile and say they do.
- A black cat sits on a perch in the window of an antique shop, with two small children and their mother petting her. They leave the shop and the cat settles back down to her nap. The shop owner tells me that the cat once belonged to that family, but left them one day, turned up at her house a couple of miles away and seemed determined to stay. Turns out the family, with two small children, a large dog and two other cats, was just too active for this lovely little creature and she set out to find herself another home. Her new job of shop cat suits her just fine.
That's a cat after my own heart.
Fireblossom -
I think so, too. The shop owner told me that story - I didn't realize that the people were former owners of the cat first - and I said I didn't think the cat looked too broken up by them leaving. :) The cat has a great gig there at that pricey antique shop and the owner says people come in just to see her.
That painting is incredibly life-life! There's such charm in gazebos.
I love that cat. Smart kitty! She has found the perfect place to live (and she apparently has great taste in furniture perching, too!) One of my son's cats has semi-abandoned home. My son is on a military base and the cat has decided to spend her days at the offices next door where soldiers and families dealing with death and disabilities go. She apparently gives a lot of comfort to both staff and visitors. At the end of the day she returns home. We all think she's addicted to the fuss everyone makes over her. :)
I like this painting a lot better than the one that I posted today!
neat that the cat fond a new home...the painting is incredible...i might just try stepping in...
That is the gazebo I want! When Ron and I married I told him I wanted a gazebo. He laboriously constructed a four post, metal roofed structure on a nice concrete slab and presented me my gazebo. Sometimes it is NOT the thought that counts.
This place of YOURS is magical -- and so are YOU!!
Hard to believe that's a PAINTING. Could step right into it with you too! Share a glass of wine there in the afternoon.
Yes, cats are so so smart and emotionally advanced. You know that cat whisperer lady, right? I read her book and was fascinated.
Talon -
I think it is so interesting how stray animals know how to pick out a friendly home. My childhood home used to be a magnet for stray dogs and it was packed in the middle of a bunch of other homes. The shop owner was a nice single lady - about 60. I imagine the little black cat spotted her and thought - you'll do fine.
That is a great story about your grandkitty! How nice that she likes to give comfort and she probably likes the fuss, too. There is a book out right now about a cat in a nursing home who gravitates toward those who are dying.
Mama Zen -
I can't believe that painting you posted is in a church. Big double take this morning.
Brian -
Stepping into a painting - seems kind of like a Twilight Zone episode. :)
Granny Annie -
So you can now show him my blog and say that is the very gazebo he should build. Sounds like you got more of a shed, but that could be useful during cookouts. :)
Jannie -
I don't know the cat whisperer, but I do like the notion of cats being emotionally advanced. I believe that is true!
I thought the pic was of a real thing until I read the caption. Rajasthan is a place where you'll find exquisite marble gazebos.
Nice cat story with a happy ending.
Lynn, that oil looks so real I am sure I could "step right in" this minute! Amazing what magic artists may conjure to transport us from everyday reality. And of course it is wonderful to realize that our landscapes are full of magic already -- so glad the Madison residents haven't forgotten.
The tale of the shop cat is too sweet. My parents' cat (they used to have four and a dog, but over the years are down to this one tough survivor) now visits the neighbors across the street for several hours a day while my parents are at work, so the retired couple there may fuss and pet him -- and feed him lots of extras. ;)
Smart cat. :D
Shyamanga -
I'll bet the gazebos there are lovely. I am a bit familiar with Rajasthan from Bharat's blog "Unseen Rajasthan." Maybe he will spotlight the marble gazebos one day.
Meredith -
Madison is such a magical place - I love it there. And of course we find magic everywhere when we look for it.
That painting looks like a photo, doesn't it? The artist did a wonderful job.
How nice that the your parents' kitty spreads love to the neighbors. Wonderful cat stories today.
G -
I think so, too.
I know cats are independent but wow...this one takes the cake! I love that she found a happy place to call home, and btw, that painting looks more like a view from a real window.
I thought that painting was a photo at first - I'd love to have that kind of talent.
My kind of cat, too. :)
Ily -
That is why I didn't crop around the painting - I wanted to make sure the frame was seen so it was obvious it was a painting. Just gorgeous, I think.
And the cat was beautiful, too - I should have photographed her - sleek and all black with dazzling green eyes.
Riot Kitty -
Pretty smart of her. :)
I definately thought that was a photo of a gazeebo!
Much easier to feel peace at home when the surroundings are beautiful.
Cats do know what they like n don't- n decise what to do for themselves. The crowded home probably was too much action n confusion for the kitty- Antique shops are way more peaceful- n better for napping I bet!
Snaggle -
Yes - a peaceful home for a cat, for sure.
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