- Early morning rain setting in and leaving everything washed clean of pollen and the air lovely and cool.
- Working in the bindery of the printing plant to assemble one of my print jobs for delivery because we were shorthanded. And enjoying the plant manager's attempt to stump me at guessing what country music artist is playing right now. I was stumped every time.
I think I would be stumped at guessing country music as well, especially since I don't listen to what passes for country music nowadays.
Glad to hear that the pollen count dropped for a little while. Haven't gotten it bad up here yet, but when it kicks in, I should be well on my way to blowing up my face for the rest of the year.
G -
He listens to a station that plays country "oldies" - nothing recorded after the mid-80's. I asked him where Carrie Underwood was and got a grouchy answer. :)
The pollen is making me tired, I think. I'll be glad when it heads north, but sorry for you. The worst day was on April 7 when the pollen count (per cubic meter of air)was 5733. Today it is 150 (still considered high).
Oh I'm afraid all Country music sounds the same to me. There again we always say that about music we don't know well. I'm sure all rap music sounds the same to some people.
Nice to see the neighbours plants every day too. :)
The flowers are so pretty! They sure brighten a day.
Glad the pollen is getting washed away.
That sounds like a fun way to pass the time. I'm laughing at the Carrie Underwood comment. There's a whole generation of country artists that have the hardcore country fans baffled, I'm sure!
love the fresh flower,
country music,
enjoy some...
Happy Wednesday!
What a pretty planting! And it will continue to branch out and fill in and only get prettier with time. :)
I bet it is so cool to see how books/booklets are bound. But I'd be lost among the country music -- which might explain why I still feel like a sore thumb here. The other day I scanned our local area radio waves and counted the country stations, just out of curiosity: five dedicated stations, plus one country/evangelical specialty version. ;)
I love that flower box!
Joe -
I'm not so much into country, but I love certain artists, like Johnny Cash. Love his music.
Talon -
Exactly. I haven't heard of most of the new people. My sisters and I were at the Georgia Mountain Fairgrounds a few years ago for a festival and wandered into a Brad Paisley concert. There were only about 50 people there and now he has gotten more famous.
Jingle -
Happy Wednesday to you, too!
Meredith -
She did a good job on the planting, I think. Thankfully I just get to watch the results since that is not my talent.
It is interesting to see how everything works and how they quietly get things done in the back. Task finally completed at noon. Yay!
Mama Zen -
She orders those from a catalog - they are made to fit on railings.
I wouldn't enjoy that much country music, that's for sure! Nice plants.
wate!! i kant gets past the ferst picher! that is so beyootiful, my lynns. my jannie always says god haz put flowres on earth to remind evvryboddy how good he is. and kind.
from me.
okae, i reeded the hole posting.
i wood be stummped too wit kountry musics. i mor the jaz and hevvy metil kind of fan!!
oh, and rains is good!! wit mutch rains groes karrits. and lettis. and evrythings.
Riot Kitty -
I don't mind it in small doses. :)
Blue Bunny -
I am glad you like the flowers. Your Jannie is a wise woman! xo
BB -
I thought you looked like a heavy metal fan - your psychedelic colors give you away. xo
Very funny - on name that country song!!!
The flowers look wonderful!
When it comes to country anything but Shania surprises me. I am not a fan.
Love the photo! Reminds me of the quote: "Come into my garden; I want my flowers to see you." :)
Lance -
It was fun. :)
Ily -
I am not a big fan either. I love that quote and will remember that -
Beautiful planter! Wish stuff would grow more here- still waiting. Glad the pollen has been washed out for your allergies- mine are bad today.
I haven't listened to the radio in years, since I worked assembling software package components- much easier to have music doing that!
I wouldn't know names either- except the oldies!
Snaggle -
No radio - even in the car? That is my primary listening. But I am commuting for a couple of hours each day, too.
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