- Quite possibly the happiest postal worker ever cheerfully processes my package, and thanks me by saying "Have a marvelous day!" He always refers to himself as Mr. Marvelous and I thank him by name as I take my leave.
- The youngest acolyte beams when hearing the important role she will have in the Maundy Thursday service at church - extinguishing the candles in the sanctuary at the conclusion and leading the congregation to the courtyard for an all-night watch fire.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends, and may all good things come your way.
Happy workers (whether at the post office or elsewhere) can make a real difference in brightening the days of those who pass through! Marvelous indeed!
Have a wonderful and happy Easter!
I'm smiling second hand smiles.
Mr. Marvellous - love that!
I'm so glad the weather is fine which will make the Maundy service even more beautiful.
Happy Easter, Lynn!
I will absolutely CS the day!
Lance -
The first time I went into this particular branch, I met Mr. Marvelous and Mr. Fabulous. They have kind of a schtick they go through for customers, and is quite entertaining. One day there was a long line and dour employees behind the counter and the woman in front of me asked to those around her, "Where are Marvelous and Fabulous?"
I hope you have a wonderful and happy Easter, too, Lance!
Annie -
I'm glad you are smiling first or second hand - that puts me in mind of that second hand rose song. :)
Talon -
Oh we are having glorious weather here this week - a high of 86 degrees. A lovely Easter weekend, indeed.
Mama Zen -
I'm CSing the day with you!
"CS the day," so funny! I know you will seize the whole weekend, Lynn. Have a joyful Easter. :)
We all need a Mr Marvellous in our lives!
Happy Easer Lynn.
Make that Easter!
Meredith -
I hope your Easter is joyous, as well.
Joe -
Isn't it wonderful when someone makes you feel better just being around them? That was my experience at the post office.
I hope your Easter is wonderful, too.
Ahhhh, I wish I could've seen that sweet accolyte doing her thing. What a precious and proud moment!!
HAPPY EASTER, dear friend!
I am glad to CS this blogging life with you.
Jannie -
She was so pleased to be the one to lead all the grown people outdoors. It was a lovely moment. I so enjoy being involved with the acolytes.
You seize the day every day, my friend. I'm glad to have you in my life, too. xoxoxo
and may good thing find you as well...happy easter!
Hi Brian -
Happy Easter to you, too!
This is so nice !! Absolutely fantastic !!Unseen Rajasthan
Bharat -
Thank you for stopping by!
Stupid google! This just showed up on my RSS feed.
Folks like this are very good at lifting the gloom-
I need more folks like this around on weeks like this- when internet won't let me on, n I have to miss the holiday fun-
"Simply Marvelous Darling!" Remember Billy Crystal?
Riot Kitty -
I have had that happen with blogs on my list, too, this week. A couple of days delayed.
There was some weirdness with photos, too.
Snaggle -
I am always happy when Mr. Marvelous is behind the counter at the post office. Not only is he eternally happy, but he is fast and efficient, too.
I do remember that from BC. :)
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