- A meandering trip on a road I have never been on, Highway 83, from Madison, Georgia (where I had a client meeting) to Macon, Georgia, for a family event. The highway yielded miles of forest and farmland and the tiny village of Shady Dale, Georgia, population 242. This charming building was once the bank, but now houses city hall.

- This old well was also a stagecoach stop back in the day. I can just imagine ladies in long traveling dresses with their trunks and hat boxes getting on and off. On this day, a black cat peers around the well and runs for cover, then comes sneaking back for a look at the stranger.
- Pulling over a couple of times on my hour-long journey so the string of cars I have collected behind me can go around. They have more urgent business and I just want to drive the speed limit and enjoy the view...
I hope you find lovely scenery where ever you are this weekend. Have a great one!
Love the stagecoach stop! I want to dress like Scarlet O'Hara and have my photo take there...then go visit the pig (on your last post) and have a photo taken there, too!
I need to plan a road trip to MS to visit my niece one of these days! This post has inspired me.
From Madison to Macon the road did wind
Through farms and forest with towns entwined
A slow pace along old Highway 83
With many a folks in a hurry to get by thee
An old bank that’s now long gone
And a black cat that made a wishing-well its home
City Hall top hats and a stagecoach line
Seem to take you back in time
Have fun when you travel back through
Shady Dale, Georgia, population 242
Ily -
Can't you just see that? That sleepy little place still looks the part. I want you to do that! Have a great day - a big day for you.
Ellis -
I love this poem and how it ended. Great job!
I think that's what drivers who want to drive at the speed limit should do, just pull over for a moment and let the faster traffic pass. That works for everyone!
Have a great weekend Lynn!
Shady Dale - I love that name.
Black cats are like shadows, aren't they?
There's something wonderful about NOT being in a rush. Doesn't happen often enough!
Cute old building. So glad to see it was never torn down, so many historic places are gone now.
That is so nice of you to pull over, I do that sometimes too.
You got me longing for a new road to leisurely explore.
And I do believe it is high time I made YOU a sidebar button, so off geos I to it now...
if that kitty ansirs to the name of barfolemew he mite be my long lost frend who runned off to nashvil to be a singer. was he waring a redd kollar wit a yelow banana tag on it?
Pop. 242 and they have a city hall?! That is cute!
Lynn~ I had to laugh at your last comment; that is 'us' totally taking our car rides thru the High Country and taking photo ops; we try and pull over to let others by as well!
Sometimes though~ it's a bit annoying!!!! Yes?
Neat looking town and stage stop? Where did the men "wet their whistle"?
Well, I won't complain about my small town anymore. At population 242, that small village makes ours look like a metropolis!
Love the detail of the black cat checking out that dangerous stranger. ;)
I do that on meandering roads, too, Lynn, pull over to let the speedies go on by. Last time we went to Rome, Georgia, I was amazed at how fast people could drive on those curving mountainous roads. I like to take it easy. :)
Joe -
It does make everyone happy all around to get out of the way of everyone when they are in a hurry. :)
Talon -
I like days when I don't have to rush.
Jannie -
A good long drive - love that. Hey - thank you for my button on your blog. Lovely!
Blue Bunny -
No - I don't think it was your friend - no collar. Or maybe he lost his collar in a saloon fight!
Riot Kitty -
I guess it can be so small because of so few citizens. Something about that appeals to me.
lg -
Yes - the tailgaters are so annoying, but I understand it that they've seen this gorgeous scenery before and are in a hurry. I love those blue highways...
Sage -
There was a hotel that has been torn down. Sad that. I'm thinking there was a saloon downstairs.
Meredith -
I want to go back and check out Juliette, Georgia - I passed the sign for the Whistle Stop Cafe (remember that from the Fried Green Tomatoes film?) I didn't have time to stop.
But I did have time to meander down that lovely road.
Yes - that was a mysterious kitty and I must have looked equally mysterious to him. :)
What a lovely city hall!
I can't believe you found a road you hadn't traveled before with all that driving you do! Pretty building-
I always liked the idea of being a Pony Express rider more than riding a stagecoach- due to all those movies where the natives attack... But nifty it's still remembered there!
Being rushed along on Day Off always bothers me too- I like scenery too!
Happy week-end!
In the nearby town of Fraser, they have a bank building with "State Bank Of Fraser 1910" inscribed into the cement face over the door. I think it is still a bank, but they added a VERY 70s looking wing to it that just doesn't fit at all.
I'm loving your description of the ladies with their hat boxes!
Wow, that seems to be some lovely country you're going through there. I can understand you wanting to take your time to drink it all in! :)
sounds like a really cool drive...and yes sometimes the view is worth leting everyone pass...they are the ones missing it...
I am like you when I drive on a quiet country road. I wave the drivers behind me on so they can speed off to their destination and I can luxuriate in the drive.
I missed the comma and thought the title was "Meandering ghosts..." I guess if they were waiting for a stagecoach they could be meandering ghosts. We do not want to meander anywhere or we will become ghosts in this awful, awful serious heat wave. Yikes!
MZ -
Isn't it great?
Snaggle -
I need to map out all the highways in Georgia I haven't traveled and hit each one. A good thing for the bucket list - traveling more state highways.
Shay -
I'm thinking of reruns of Gunsmoke - my dad watched that so much. Those gals were always getting off the stagecoach with their hat box. :)
Tony -
I know what it is like to be in a hurry and don't like to be if I can help it. :)
Brian -
Or they are taking the view for granted. I had a visitor from south Florida in the car with me once and he was so rhapsodizing about all the lush green - he doesn't have that where he lives.
Jewel -
I had a book on CD and it was sort of appropriate for the view going by.
Granny Annie -
I know - it is dreadfully hot. I could sort of visual the ghosts of stagecoach passengers past - so that meandering ghosts thing is not so far off the mark!
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