- My niece, who works on a plantation, posts this on facebook yesterday: "working cows & watching the sun rise :)" Sounds so peaceful, except for the working cows part. :)
- Friend Barbara G will be one of the speakers at an upcoming Green Initiatives conference and invites me to come. It costs $175 to get in the door, so I ask if I can just come and hold her purse. :) So proud of my friend.
Have a lovely weekend, my friends!
Maple syrup in the fall
from a tree very small
in a pot it made home
a full days the cows will do
yet the sun rise is for you
and maybe no more will they roam
it's a talk about green you see
but the green is from the door fee
and your pockets with a fine tooth comb
Now all that's needed is some moo-d music! ;-)
So is Barbara inviting you for free, you mean?
And yes, I do remember a "pot of weeds" as I recall. How amazing what has grown, both obviously very happy to be there. Both very good signs.
Hope you'll have a peaceful weekend.
I love your wild gardening pot...a surprise adventure. :)
The conference sounds fascinating, Lynn. Too bad it's so steep in price.
Cows can be noisy buggers, but I suspect they enjoy the sunrise, too. (Lived across the street from a dairy farm growing up - lol)
Lynn! A most lovely weekend to you as well! Enjoy what is left of the summer!
Ellis -
I like it! Thank you for my poem!
Fireblossom -
lol lol! I asked my sister on the phone this morning what in the heck my niece is doing when she is "working cows" - the answer: she is tagging them. It's the way they keep inventory. She has to do it about four times a year. She loves that job.
Jannie -
No - I'd have to pay $175 - I was hinting for a free pass. :)
Maybe I should transplant that tree into the ground and see what else the weedy pot comes up with.
Talon -
I love it, too. :) And they certainly are noisy - but I guess they are allowed to be in the wilderness of that plantation.
lg -
I will and you, too. :)
Working cows you see the sun come up where as working girls you usually see it go down.
Hope you get that free pass! Sounds so cool to see your friend in action for a good cause. :)
You could probably transplant that maple tree in the fall, Lynn. Did I mention to you that I took a leaf out of your book and allowed a "weed pot" this spring & early summer? It turned out to house a huge pigweed, which was sturdy enough for chickadees to perch in for a bit of shade. I had to chop it down before it set seed, though. Didn't want a million pigweed seeds in the garden beds...
I am always happy when my plants don't die, congrats! And kudos to your friend on the gig.
Your tree is looking good there in the "Weed pot."
Working cows means milking at 5, right? Sunrise here is almost at 6 here now.
Good for you getting a freebee Green Seminar worth so much. Hope you get alot of good info too!
Happy week-end to you too!
Woops I now see working is tagging, n I believe you need to milk cows twice per day.
n you'd need to pay to get in. What, the speaker doesn't get a free guest? Really must be some hot info in there-
Travis -
Hello and welcome. That is certainly true!
Meredith -
I am delighted that you did that. It's always interesting to see what turns up. I might just transplant the maple tree - great idea. Should I wait until October or so?
RK -
That's kind of me, too. :)
Snaggle -
I am going to check and see if she can get me in for free, no kidding. I can't pay anything close to that large fee. One of my printing clients is a speaker, too - he has a solar company.
Just yesterday, I was telling my daughter about working cows!
'Tis funny... I get this image in my head of cows dressed for the office, punching in at five past nine... :P
Mama Zen -
My sister said my niece came over for lunch that day wearing her tall rubber boots. She told her she looked just like a farm girl should look. :)
Tony -
lol! I had an image of that.
ha ha! Good idea to "work" for your admission.
I like your free to be pot. I tend to have one of those.
Wendy -
Maybe I should paint "free to be" on the pot. :)
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