- A tape in the fish bowl, Silver Wings, is New Agey music that I used to go to sleep by when I was troubled. So far the fish bowl with the cassette tapes stays until I can see if any of those old treasured tapes might be on CD. Troubled no more, but sometimes it is nice to hear soothing sounds.
- Soothing sounds. I am off after work to sit by the river in Clay County, North Carolina. The river is calling my name.
Have a great weekend friends! It is a holiday in the states on Monday, so I'll be back in blogland on Tuesday. Cheers!
I have two shoe boxes full of cassette tapes, which I almost never play, but keep because a lot of them are not replaceable. I also keep my VCR movies, but I actually do watch one once in a while, though it seems pretty stone age that I can't operate it like a dvd!
Dearest Lynn, oh yeah it IS a holiday Monday! Thanks for the reminder, wouldn't want to drive the kid to school for nothing, tho maybe we could sit in the car for a day and I videotape her singing cute little songs. :)
I think my hubby still has a stash of Sony Beta tapes!! ;)
Have some lovely River Time, Lynn. Please tell Sis Jannie says hello. :)
I'm off to visit my brother and his family this weekend. I haven't seen them for almost a year!
Have a wonderful weekend Lynn.
The new is old
way to soon
What I bought
is outdated by noon
The fish bowl was full
of old tapes I found
It was nice to keep some of
those old sounds around
And yes this weekend
to my sisters I’m bound
Have a great Monday off, Lynn, and don't wear that New Age tape out! You want it to last until you can get the CD! :P
We finally (last move) got rid of things I know we won't ever use again, but we did keep our VCR because I can't face replacing all the videos with DVDs just to have to replace the DVDs with whatever next comes along - lol!
Have a absolutely beautiful weekend, Lynn!
That is an interesting photo for sure. I'm the opposite - I always get rid of stuff and need it later.
FB -
I am taking several of the VHS movies to the mountain house and plan to leave them. So I guess DVDs will be obsolete next. :)
Jannie -
That was the cutest thing - when you video taped Kelly singing. Do that again!
Joe -
I hope you have a great trip!
Ellis -
Thank you for my poem! Have a great weekend!
Tony -
Good point! :)
Talon -
I still have a backup VCR - it's in the bottom of a closet. :)
Have a great weekend!
Riot Kitty -
That'll probably happen to me this time. :)
"The river is calling my name" That's a line I often use. Have fun!
Have a GREAT holiday!!!
I used to have that VCR! ha ha!
We're total 80's nerds. I fought that for a while, but I'm OK with it. My husband owns a million takes and searches used music stores for 80's 90's tapes. I really think it's just too muffled a media for me. He actually collects LPs and has like 3000 of them.
I don't have a hard time watching VCR movies, but waiting for rewind is a punishment! I still tend to call everything "tapes". Like, "put the tape in" when I'm referring to the DVD.
I'm glad you're troubled no more.
I use a vhs to watch my extensive movie collection- n still use cassettes in my old trucks music machine, plus have boom-boxes n a cd/cassette deck to dub, plus an analogue 4-track professional music recorder. I think I'm more out-dated than you, but it all still works!
A good way to fall asleep is priceless sometimes! The older you get the worse it can be-
I hope the river babbles away without babbling over-
Good week-end to you-
Looks like our storm won't be too destructive TG
I have a boatload of VHS tapes and cassettes. Wish I kept a VCR to play them on and as for the cassettes, the problem I got with them is that they've stretched just enough to noticably mess up the music.
I hope that you have a great holiday weekend, Lynn!
The only cassette tape I have left is full of Prince's "Purple Rain" music. I think I even have a Bay City Rollers 8-track tape somewhere. I do have to remove some old junk to make room for the new stuff. I usually do this right before Christmas.
PS - I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! Have a great rest of the week!!
Ahem. We still own a VCR -- because I have yet to replace a half-dozen or so movies on DVD, and because F., movie buff, was only able to locate a couple of rarities on video so far. Eventually it will all get shifted over, and I admit the rows of DVDs look much nicer, almost like books on the shelf. ;)
I'm so glad you're "troubled no more," dear Lynn.
Thank you for thinking of me with that recipe. Definitely going to try it. F. will be in alt!
Sage -
I miss it already.
lg -
Thank you - I sure did.
Wendy -
Life is too short to dwell on troubles, I think. :)
Snaggle -
I'm glad that storm is not hitting your area as hard as you had thought.
G -
I know exactly what you mean. :)
Mama Zen -
It was fabulous. :)
Ily -
I loved all that Purple Rain music - I have that somewhere, too.
Meredith -
I still have a VCR in the closet - I can hook it up if I need to. I was a two VCR girl. :)
I hope y'all enjoy that casserole - it's a once a year kind of thing for me. A little sweet, but delicious.
Okay, it's Tuesday. Where's Lynn? I miss Lynn.
Oops! I should have raised my little red head and seen Lynn right above me answering comments!
FB -
Awwww - it's nice to be missed. Thanks friend!
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