- The acolyte at church with her white robe and big cross hanging around her neck, also wearing glittery pink Mary Janes.
- It is difficult not to be excited for Hankook Taqueria (Korean taco place near my office) after reading this on Twitter: Don't forget to watch us on Food Network's BEST THING I EVER ATE on Monday, the 27th at 9:00pm EST!!! I'll be watching. :)
Why have I not known about this program? I shall have to investigate! I like Adam Richman on Man Vs. Food. :-)
Like the photo!
What are Mary Jane's??
Hope you had a great weekend Lynn. :)
FB -
That show has Food Network stars declaring the best thing they ever ate. In this case, I hear it is Atlanta's own Alton Brown. I'm excited for them. Hankook already needs a new space, I think. It is within walking distance of my office - a good thing because the parking lot is full at 11:45am.
Joe -
Thank you! A little fuzzy because of no flash.
Mary Janes are flat round toe shoes with a strap across that little girls most often wear. I went back and added a link.
I did have a great weekend and hope you did, too! It's a rainy Monday morning here.
Sounds like a good TV show... I missed it when one of the roadside food shows did a piece about a local place here that specializes in gizzards... :)
Great photo!
Glittery pink Mary Janes...truly unique!
I see the moon - it's competing with the streetlights and winning :)
I wonder who will be describing their best thing ever eaten there - that will be neat!
The supper moon at night
Was a tiny light up high
as streetlight were bright
Glittery pink is it that bad
For it’s what in the heart
That makes God glad
A taco on TV we’ll see
At a Korean place
Was Twittered to thee
I like the gourds! Something about a fall gourd reminds me of happy autunms. Cute little veggie stand display.
But not time for a taco (yet) tho that does sound enticing. :)
Sage -
Gizzards. That so doesn't sounds like a particular treat. :)
RK -
I was looking for a better spot, but this was pretty much it. Pulling over made me a little late for work, so I figured I should post it.
Talon -
I always love this kid's outfits - she definitely marches to a different drummer.
Not my best effort at photography, but it deserved to be posted, I think. :)
It will be Alton Brown from the show Good Eats and Iron Chef America. Ironically - Hankook is in a building that formerly housed a diner called Good Eats.
Ellis -
Thank you for my poem! Another good one. :) And I think the acolytes shoes were a good thing. :)
Jannie -
I love to go in that place - although not so much since I've been dieting. Grrr. Probably need to eat more gourds or something. :)
The moon has been gorgeous, hasn't it?
Can I come eat tacos with you Lynn??!
Korean tacos?? Now that sounds interesting. Let me know what it's like!
Nice early morning autumn photo! :)
Mama Zen -
So gorgeous!
lg -
Absolutely! Anytime. You just let me know when you are in Atlanta and we will go do that. :)
Ily -
Even the non-foodies in my office love that place. They featured a dish called Bibimbap - that's one I haven't had, but plan to. But not today - they are likely to be beseiged. :)
The moon is doing a good job looking like a white street lamp!
Shoes do make the outfit! A bit of her true nature revealed!
"Best thing I ever ate" sounds like a great honor- n good luck getting some food there after that airs!
Snaggle -
How funny that you said that about Hankook! "good luck getting food there after that airs" Nick just came in and couldn't get in the door. People are lined up around the building and I laughed out loud when he said it was "nice people - not from around here!" We work in an edgy neighborhood.
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