Monday, March 9, 2009

Tunes, old favorite and state by state

- Loading up my iPod with energetic music to accompany walks at the mountain.

- Allowing three days to pass before opening the box of Girl Scout cookies. Thin Mints - an old favorite. I will take the other box to my committee meeting tonight.

- Enjoying the book, "State by State: A Panoramic Portrait of America." It is a very different portrait than expected and highly recommended. Just finished: the section on Louisiana by Joshua Clark, who spent time in the lower ninth ward of New Orleans with spirit searchers looking for ghosts.


Jannie Funster said...

I actually do not have an i-Pod, sad but true. I believe I shall veer in that general direction for Christmas.

Kelly - an I-Pod Touch is her desired object so we said maybe for her birthday, but she can't have any video games on it.

She is 7.5 years young today!

Lynn said...

Tell Kelly that friend Lynn said Happy 7.5 birthday!

I have some friends who go off on extended sailing trips and I look in on their cats. They left the iPod on the kitchen counter for me as a gift for coming by so much. I love an unexpected gift like that.