- A young man's face lighting up when he says he will go home to be with his family in Nashville for Thanksgiving next week.
- The new black cat at my hairdresser's home has the whimsical name of Stash Kardashian (because he looks as if he has a white mustache.) He was skittish and living in the woods before; they would just see flashes of him and their dog Bingo was always barking at him. One cold morning, his wife found Stash asleep in Bingo's bed in the salon. (He snuck in through the dog door.) She slipped in and put some canned food and water next to him and was gradually able to win his trust. They are kind and extremely fun people, so the kitty picked a good home and Bingo is relieved that he doesn't have to bark at him anymore.
I hope you encounter extreme fun and kindness this weekend, my friends. I hope it's a lovely one!
Now you missed a golden opportunity to buy all three for $15 and then sell them for $10 each. That's what my spouse would have done:)
That is the best thing about this time of year, seeing faces light up as they talk of being with family. Our family is coming here for Thanksgiving and the best part -- they are bringing all the food with them. WooHoo!
The black cat found a warm home just in the nick of time.
Way to go Lynn! I love 'dickering.' My grandparents were 100% German so it was like they 'invented' dickering. Its always nice to arrive at a price that BOTH can agree on! Yeah! The idea of getting it for 5.00 floats MY boat! It is very very pretty.
We still have a lot of pumpkins and gourds here that I have to photograph. My husband and I called up a big local pumpkin patch on the way into town after the season and the owner told us we could pick out from what was left whatever we needed (for free!) Yeah! Score.....We hauled out a big cardboard box of gourds (edible) and one more large one.
They are extraordinary and I have to get them UP on the blog. Love your painted one as well Lynn! :-)
Very nice indeedy.
Granny Annie -
Your husband cracks me up. :) And that is a good thing - having everyone else bring the food!
Here's what I imagine: that cat was climbing a tree in the back and watching Tim, Maxie and Bingo through all that glass they have along the back of their house and feeling wistful that he wished he could be a part of their family. So he thought (while shivering from the cold), "I'll go in that little door and look around, now that they are all asleep." He slipped in and saw Bingo's bed in the corner of the salon area and scrambled in and fell asleep.
Tim says that Bingo (being used to cats really - their cat Meemur had just died) was all friendly to Stash. And they both sleep at the foot of Tim and Maxie's bed now. :)
lg -
That was a great score! I actually was going to find a cheap pumpkin for the table next to my door, but this one can be used every year. And Harvest Blessings is actually carved into it.
Looking forward to seeing your pics!
SCORE!!! on the pumpkin. And it's good to hear about a smile when hearing one is going home for the holiday and not the complaining, whining about the drunk uncle and the flirting sister-in-law... oh wait, we aren't talking about my family... :)
Oh, and Louvregirl, I love the word "dickering." Great word.
Of course I loved the story about the cat. I think animals sometimes know exactly the place to go.
The $5 pumpkin deal was a steal:~)
Guess what? You've received an award:~)
Stop by A Sharing Connection and pick it up when you can. This blogging award is a bit different than the usual "mememe" awards. I found it very challenging. It is also well-deserved:~)
As always, nice and uplifting stories!
Nice in combination with the flowers.
I just did -- in your extremely kind words! Thanks for the encounter.
Love your $5 mentality! After 2 years of dishwasher woes my sparkling hubby asked if they'd take $300 for an originally $800 open box model they were asking for. You and he did real good!!
Ahhhh, that young man sounds so nice. Probably has a family as wonderful as the ones who now have Stash. Most times stray cats never get tamed. Glad he found a loving home!
Cats R gud!!
Whoops, my mind got a little sidetracked in that. :)
They were asking $500 for that open box model Kitchen Aide. And he did get it for $300.
And I think I shall have a little chat with it later today! :)
Resisting my dishes......
again. :) :)
hi lynn,
it's so wonderful going home for the holiday.
that pumpkin looks awesome- what a great find!
happy weekend!
plus: just wanted you to know that i love your blog!
I need to take you with me when I go shopping :)
Hilarious name for the cat! Almost all of the cats that have come in and out of my life have come with their names, with one exception. I named him after a Harvey Keitel character and a bakery in NYC.
How cute about the dog and cat!
I love creative cat names! I've always known ones that come in pairs: Gunner and The Missus; Pepper and Nutmeg.
Of all the cats I've lived with, the one who was a stray for a couple of years before she was picked up by the Humane Society by far had the most smarts and personality.
happygirl -
Believe me - we probably all have some crazy things associated with our holidays. :)
And dickering is a great word. I am a pretty good at that.
Sara -
Thank you for the award - I am pleased that you were the one giving it to me. I so admire your writing posts.
Sage -
Thank you!
Filip -
Greetings and thank you!
Jannie -
That sounds like a good open box bargain. :)
And cats are indeed gud. :)
Betty -
Thank you - that's a lovely thing -I am pleased you love my blog. Yours is wonderful, too.
Riot Kitty -
My cat Cleo came with her name, but I named Sophie after the neighbor's deaf cat that used to camp out on my doorstep. She never heard the door open, but would always look up startled when I stepped over her with a smile. :)
I want to know the name of the movie bakery cat.
FB -
I've rarely seen a couple who have as much fun together as these two, so if I was a stray animal, that's where I'd go.
Sparkling Red -
I loved your story about your mother's cats on your current blog post. :)
Yes - sometimes the ones who had to make decisions and fend for themselves have the most personality. My cat Cleo was like a feline person. She knew exactly how to get what she wanted, but in a delightful way. :)
Your holiday decoration does seem to fit you well! n Matches the Mums prettily- Good score alright!
I'm pretty jealous of all the bomecoming family parties. Someday again- hopefully. All those lucky folks-
Lucky Stash kitty too! Lately I've been feeding a stray out on my porch. I only see flashes of him too- I'd noticed him eating the squirrel bread I toss out- now he gets canned whatever Mischief decides she doesn't like- which is happening alot lately.
Have a pleasant week-end
Snaggle -
I hope you'll get some Thanksgiving dinner somehow, Snaggle.
That's kind of you to feed that kitty - isn't if funny when cats get so finicky about their food? My late cat Sophie finally put her foot down that she wasn't eating that expensive prescription diet food anymore - she had kidney disease and needed to eat it. I was spending a fortune on that food and she was turning her nose up at it. I finally caved in and just got some Friskies or something and she loved it. I decided if she was 17 years old and didn't have much longer to live, then she should have what she wanted.
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