- I was telling our holiday loving receptionist at my office on Friday how much Christmas decorating paraphernalia I have, but that I haven't really felt the spirit yet. Her eyes sparkled and she said,
"You should put up your little tree this weekend, you would enjoy it, I'll bet." So I did and she was right.
- A shopping expedition on Saturday with friend Barbara G, with the best part of the day being the fun lunch. There are all sorts of holiday drinks on the menu - Barb almost gets a rum and coke float
(only in the south...), but decides the calories might kill her. She settles on a glass of red wine and I order a beer -
Stella Artois, because I like to say that.
- A blustery day on Sunday. I exit the church service, chatting with a friend's son, Brett. He says,
"It's snowing!" And indeed, a flake is falling here and there. It didn't amount to much, but I enjoyed my inside snow watch day and ended it by making a soul warming stew that involved a couple of hours of stirring. Yum.