- On Thursday, 42 relatives make the rounds hugging each other (sometimes multiple times) as we say our goodbyes at the close of Thanksgiving day. One cousin by marriage calls it being caught in a "love vortex."
- Going through piles and piles of family photos with sisters and laughing at our hair styles over the years. We wonder if we will be laughing at our current hair 20 years from now.
Or, you could be like my mother and keep the exact same hair style and color for 45 years.
Nice to have you back! I'm glad the Love Vortex didn't swallow you up. :-)
The love vortex...that sounds pretty sweet!
Sounds like it was a wonderful Thanksgiving for you...so good to hear...
That's neat- "love vortex'.
That's the neatest thing about photographs - it's time travel. :)
"Love vortex~" what a good term. Wow Lynn; 42 is a big group! I will have to count the number in my photo to know the size of my "brood." I will tell you later. It was snowing in Kentucky. That is a pretty state. Milwaukee was cold (27, 28ish), gray and cloudy. So good to 'see' you back!
O.K. so what, pray tell, was your hairstyle Lynn?
The mighty Oak sucking up sun shin
When it thinks no one is around to see
42 relatives saying goodbye with hugs
Some say too many, tho not enough for me
Looking at family photos we Laughing at our hair styles,
in 20 the same I bet it will be
Glad you had lots and lots of family to hug.
We had a love vortex, too -- although much smaller than 42! (That's impressive.) At the end of so many embraces F. hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and then said, "Oh, wait, you're coming with me." ;)
Did any of you have the perm-like-a-poodle hairstyle back in the 80s? My sis was mortified when that photo came to light with her husband looking on. I am glad to hear you thoroughly enjoyed your holiday, Lynn!
FB -
Thank you - I am glad to be back. It is too hard to post or to look at blogs on my sister's laptop, so I didn't really try much. :)
Lance -
It was wonderful and I hope your was, too.
Talon -
Isn't that a wonderful expression? Love vortex. And it is like time travel looking at old photos.
lg -
I imagine you are happy to be home then!
My hair was down to my waist for a long time - long and straightened. I wore it in a Farrah Fawcett style for a while. There was that Dorothy Hamill wedge. Crazy. I've just let it go curly for the last several years and that seems to work best.
Ellis -
I did and I hope you did, too. Thank you for my poem! :)
Meredith -
We were missing about 13 people, too. Good thing that place is large. It was lovely to get so many hugs. lol at F - that is very cute. :)
No - my hair is naturally curly, so I was straightening it still back then. I guess the grass is always greener...
I can't believe your family is so close to where I live:~)
I liked this Thanksgiving post very much, especially the "love vortex." What a wonderful way to put it.
It sounds like you had a very good day:~)
The love vortex! I love it. And what a beautiful old tree.
I was just thinking about 80s hairstyles the other day...there is a blackmail picture of me from 6th grade that leaves much to be desired.
Wow. The Dorothy Hamell wedge! My cousin Had the best Farrah Fawcett hairstyle; her hair was full and LONG...only it was a vibrant red! I will always remember that style!
42 relatives! Wow. That's a lot of gifts at Christmas time!
I don't know. What does your hair look like now? I thought you were classically curly!! :)
Thanks for showing me that Live Oak grandeur- I've never seen one in person yet. Looks nice n warm there too!
A love vortex! What a witty description! Our family good-byes used to be like that- when sneaking out n bypassing the line was unthinkable!
I think you'll be envious of your gorgeous hair now someday!
Sara -
I do like the Florida panhandle very much, but not in the summer. Oh my - it is hot down there. The weather during Thanksgiving weekend was perfect though.
Riot Kitty -
I had some big hair for awhile. I'd like to see that blackmail picture of you. :)
lg -
Her hair sounds pretty - bet it still is.
Joe -
That's just my mother's side of the family and 13 people were missing. We don't do Christmas gifts with them or get together for Christmas, Thanksgiving is our big holiday.
Jannie -
Still curly. :) xo
Snaggle -
I am sure I will be. It's pretty easy hair these days. Just wash and air dry for the most part.
I'm still hoping that I just might have some hair in 20 years:)
The term "love vortex" is now officially adopted by me. Our Thanksgiving was definitely celebrated in a love vortex.
Granny Annie -
I like that you have adopted that term. I'll have to let Chuck know. He'll like that, too.
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