- Realizing I am short one egg, I tear up to the grocery store on Wednesday night. A woman in the parking lot offers me her cart, saying they are short of carts inside. She tells me this is her third visit here that day. We wish each other a happy Thanksgiving and go our separate ways.
- During this morning of pot stirring and thinking of everyone I will see in a few hours, I have reflected upon those early adventurous souls who made friends with native Americans and sat down to eat together, sharing their abundance. I am thankful for them and for all I have. Happy Thanksgiving everyone (including my friends outside the States.)
I will be with family for the next few days - have a great weekend, my friends!
Are you sure those two are Pilgrims? They look like Shakers! ;-)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Lynn. May it be full of joy and good food.
It's amazing on how the little things in life can often bring us the most pleasure.
Have a happy Gobbler day.
FB -
I don't know - they have starred in commercials for our Publix grocery stores. I had to have them when I saw them for sale.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, FB. Back atcha!
G -
So true. I hope your Gobbler day is good, too.
Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry that I haven't been around a lot lately.
Have a fabulous Thanksgiving, Lynn!
I love the shakers - they're adorable!
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving, Lynn!
To good friends
Tho we’ve never met
and never will
there is a thin bound
in Bloggers
Those look like the Publix shakers whose wee movie was such a hit a few years ago. Have you ever caught them in action? ;)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Lynn! We'll be doing our big family thing on Saturday this year (I know, weird), so we won't need to worry too much about not having an egg less than necessary at the crucial moment -- and no grocery stores open. Hoping your lovely sweet potato souffle is a success.
Beautiful post, you have a lovely house style.
I am very thankful for YOU!!
Enjoy your family and board games.
I've had so many dinners like that - I think I have EVERYTHING and then I'm out one thing. Happy Thanksgiving!
What cute shakers! I hope that poor cart offering woman didn't need a trip 4! Have a great time with your family! Happy Thanksgiving!
My daughter hosted us in her beautiful home and I can't count all the times she had to send her poor spouse back out for this, that or the other. Her main menu and dishes had all the ingredients they needed but she kept deciding to add more food as if any of us would have room. We sure did our best.
I certainly hope your Thanksgiving was the best Lynn.
Sage -
I am always happy to see you and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Talon -
I know - I love them. :)
MZ -
You, too, Mama Zen!
Ellis -
I feel as if we have met though - I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Ellis.
Meredith -
Sometimes I find little things moved around and wonder how it happened - maybe it's those little guys doing it. :) (My friend Steven lovingly refers to me as Misery - remember that film? The woman liked her things just so and always knew when things had been moved.)
I hope you have a wonderful day today, Meredith!
Jannie -
I am thankful for you, too, Jannie Muffin. xoxoxo
Riot Kitty -
The story of my life. :)
Snaggle -
I hope she didn't, too. Hope you had a good day in spite of working, Snaggle.
Granny Annie -
Yes - it is all about abundance. I had a wonderful and and hope you did, too.
Aw, those pilgrims are adorable! I hope your Thanksgiving was a happy one.
very cute! I would like to have more holiday decorations that make me happy too! Have a wonderful time with family and friends.
Your post didn't turn up in my reader!!
Hope you had a wonderful day on Thursday and you are having a fantastic weekend too!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and family.
They both look so worldy-wise and accomodating, and welcoming too.
What a beautiful Thanksgiving post...love those shakers, btw!
I'm glad I found you again...it's me, the Chica from Miami (with a new name/blog). :)
Happy Sunday, amiga!!
Sparkling Red -
It was delightful and I hope yours was, too.
Wendy -
I'm sad the weekend is over, but so happy to be home. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.
Joe -
That's odd, huh? It was fantastic. I hope you had a great weekend.
Anil P -
Thank you, my friend.
Lulu -
Well - this is a surprise (new name, new blog), but I'm glad to see you, chica. :) And I'm glad you are visiting here today. I hope you had a wonderful holiday.
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