- A bit of a gloomy photo because of the rain, but this was snapped while creeping behind other cars on an entrance ramp to I-85 north in Atlanta. It is the tents for a show called
Cavalia that will begin soon. The tents are all lit up in the early morning when I make the reverse trip into work. They look mystically magical then, as if a caravan has lost its way and settled down at Atlantic Station.
- Speaking to my mother on the telephone while dad is away, I love it that she has the television off and is listening to music. What music? The soundtrack to the film, "Titanic."
- A good thing in an email from friend
Jannie Funster: I was next in line at the bank yesterday when the pretty young teller greeted an elderly man (he must've been at least 80) with
"Hello! What brings you to the bank today, Sir?" He answered
"I've come to check my balance," as he outstretched both his arms and began teetering on one leg. But he balanced very well and we all laughed out loud!
When he was leaving the teller called out
"Have a great day!" to which he turned with an elfish grin to reply
"Love to help you out with that, but I've already made other plans."It made her day and mine, too, just reading her account. :)