The Stovall-O'Brien-Beecher-DeGraffenreid-Calloway-Conn-Gardner House (aka House of 13 columns), Milledgeville, Georgia, ca. 1825
- A visit to my parents' attorneys in Milledgeville, Georgia, is delightful for the opportunity to finally go inside this lovely house in which they have their offices. It was designed by John Marlor in the Federal and Greek style and the fanlight over the door is a feature of the style of architecture of that era. The columns are thought to represent Georgia as the 13th American colony. As I take my leave, I imagine what it must have been like to stand on that porch in 1825.
- A visit to Ryal's Bakery around the corner from the house is a must and I load up a box of brownies and iced shortbread cookies for my next stop to my clients at the cultural center in Madison, Georgia. The goodies are a selfless gift to the clients for our meeting. Really.
- Arriving at the
cultural center (which was a school until 1957) and before the clients appear, a beautifully coiffed woman in a navy suit appears at the door and asks if I know where the stage is. I do and show her. No - she wants to go
on the stage, she used to appear in plays here in high school until she graduated in 1951. I locate a side stage door and she goes in. As I turn to go back to the conference room, I hear singing. She has burst into the song,
"Because." I walk around to the auditorium and listen while her grandchildren snap pictures. She says the song just came out of her - it was sung at her wedding 59 years ago. She lives in Tucson, Arizona now and has returned to Madison to bury her husband in the family cemetery.