I have been tagged by
Riot Kitty for this award. Thanks RK! Here are the rules:
1. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
2. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
3. Name seven things about you that people think are interesting.
4. Nominate seven other Kreativ Bloggers.
I've had this one before, so I put seven more things below. No - not tagging anyone else - I think I tagged most of my readers the last time. :)
- I am a homebody. As much as I love people and interesting places, I do love being at home. A favorite quote from William Faulkner (another homebody), who was invited by President Kennedy to dine at the White House,
"Why...that's a long way to go just to eat."- I have attended exactly one Olympic event in my life - when the summer Olympics were held in Atlanta in 1996. Mens' Springboard Diving. I was sitting so far away that I watched it on the big screen. Might as well have been at home and saved the big $$$. :)
- My most favorite local event ever was the Democratic National Convention held in Atlanta in 1988. I was chosen to work the convention; mostly standing at the portals into the hall and playing traffic cop. Favorite moment - another volunteer asked Al Franken to sign her autograph book. He was at the convention at that time to make spots for Saturday Night Live and he grinned as he signed her book. She gasped when she saw what he wrote:
"Sylvia - let's have sex again real soon!"- As a wee girl, I learned to read without even realizing it. My parents and older sister read to me so much that when I started 1st grade, I could read the first few reading books they had. So they put me in a group by myself. Reading is still my favorite thing.
- I didn't get the math gene. Not at all.
- My first job was after school at the public library in Milledgeville, Georgia. I loved it there so much that I decided at one point that I would like to be a librarian. Somehow that dream went by the wayside (money called) and out of the nine different jobs I have had over the years, the job at the library remains my favorite.
- I really love blogging - it gives me something creative to do before I start my day outside the house. It means a lot to me that you come by. So thank you and I hope you are having a great week.