- This is my hairdresser Tim (on the right), who regularly attends Native American pow wows in the area and participates in dance competitions. I get a haircut last night and hear about his latest adventures while sipping a glass of red wine. He will be hosting a Sweat Lodge and dinner for friends in a few weeks, saying he likes upholding the tradition of the original Thanksgiving celebration.
- Waking for the second morning in a row to a gentle rain falling. It makes traffic bad, but is so worth it since the promise for the weekend weather is glorious.
- The November quote on the calendar in my home office: "The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn." David Russell, Classical Guitarist
I think that's really neat that he does that!
Morning rain always makes me want to stay in bed, not go to work.
Ah, nice to finally see Tim!
Do you carry an umbrella?
Hmmn, sometimes we need to leave bridges open too, even when we are not anticipating much traffic.
i just loves the rane! thats how i gets my baths.
I absolutely love all the color and the texture in that head dress; koodos to Tim, Lynn. :)
I love that Tim upholds tradition. That's really cool.
Rainy days make me want to curl up and watch the world pass by through the window.
I've never burned bridges...I'm scared I might want to go back again - lol!
FB -
I think so, too.
Yes - I wanted to go back to bed, too. But I imagine for you it's bad that you have to get dripped on all day.
Jannie -
I have a number of umbrellas - they all seem to gravitate to the same spot, car, home or office. So I get caught without on frequently.
Blue Bunny -
A good plan, I think. :)
lg -
He collects those feathers - people save them for him and he makes those head dresses himself.
Talon -
I don't burn bridges either - that quote struck me this morning, so I used it. :)
Very cool - what your hairdresser does!! And - love the picture, and the way he fully dresses up!
We have pow wows here all the time. Then of course this is Oklahoma.
Ahh so you are one of those wine drinking ladies you see at the hairdressers! I always admire anyone who feels that chilled with the person who cuts their hair to just sit there and enjoy the whole experience. Mind you your hairdresser looks like a real character!
Nice quote! I'll have to add it to my book.
Your hairdresser's head dress is amazing! :) Looks like a fun guy.
It's been raining nonstop all day, so I'm hoping for a better tomorrow and weekend. Enjoy yours!!
You're a better person than me...nothing is worth traffic!
Lance -
He really has embraced his Native American heritage. His brother has embraced his Scottish heritage - I run into him all the time at Scottish events. :)
Ellis -
That makes sense then - there is one at nearby Stone Mountain that Tim will attend and dance in the competition.
Joe -
He is a character. He used to be a musician and for awhile - a stand up comedian. He tries jokes out on me all the time still. Yes - I am chilled when I am with him. We've been friends for years - he used to date one of my friends and the first time we met, he told me he would have loosen up my perm in the back. I told him it IS permanent. :) (My hair is naturally curly.)
Ily -
I was struck by that quote, too. And I hope the rain stops for both of us, Chica!
Riot Kitty -
It's a living. :)
Lucky Tim in the paper! That's an elaborate head dress- especially from that angle. Can't even tell his hair color.
The rain should help out the water supply there at least! We've had 2 days of pouring on leaves here too-
Good qoute- I agree! Some bridges have definately been burned, for there's no going back to some things! Most pften it seems to apply to jobs...
Snaggle -
Tim has blondish hair that has highlights in it - he is a hairdresser, after all and experiments on his own hair.
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