- Most of these are waiting to be read, and / or future book club reads. Somehow I find myself in two book clubs now - I refer to them as suburban book club and urban book club. Suburban book club is my favorite - close friends and lots of good reads. Urban book club is edgier - more good friends, but they are just more edgy and we meet in coffee houses in midtown Atlanta.
- I've been carrying this one around for a couple of weeks. You guessed it - urban book club material. The fact that the library had only one copy should have been my first clue. I can't get into it (and curious if anyone out there has read it.)
The origin of my blog came in a roundabout way. An intern at my church mentioned once that she wrote a positivity blog every day and that the idea came from a blog called "Three Beautiful Things." The writer of 3BT encourages others to do the same and that's really how I started blogging in 2007. I still read Three Beautiful Things every day. It's all about Clare's life in the UK and I've been there for her wedding and the birth of her son. You can view her blog here.
WOW! You do love books and have a beautiful library collection. Anne of green gables would be my middle daughters favorite I think as well. Visiting from the A-Z challenge
I love all your books..maybe because I have so many too! I am in 2 book clubs also..one with my very good friends for life and the other with English major in college acquaintances..very interesting differences..but we end up reading the same books many times...
lovely it is :)
A nice orderly wall of books to peruse there- Mine aren't that neat, but at least in groups ie: Star Wars, Horses, Steve King, ect.
Can't beLieve you plan your reading so well! Uave not read or heard of that Fierce one. But the Girl with the dragon Tatoo is a film now- saw a trailer recently.
Perhaps I;ll find time to load Clairs blog this week-
Gorgeous library room. A place I would definitely want to curl up and read. I don't know that Tom Robbins book and he's actually one of my favorites - his style is pretty quirky though.
I like your book "stories" today. Your book shelves look so inviting. And the two book club names are funny!
I LOVE books but have stopped purchasing them...I'm much more of a library fanatic these days! I've been meaning to read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo also!
Nope,, I have not read the Tom Robbins one or heard of it.
Yes, I hear the girl with the dragon tattoo is a modern classic. People love his writing.
Nice book post! Your shelf looks very inviting.
Lynn~ I spy a beautiful old trunk by your bookshelves! I have been out antiquing lately for fun. It looks like it is in great condition. Yes~~~ "b" is for books! I just finished the 5th book in the Jan Karon series (which is about Father Tim in Blowing Rock.) I love love it because the place (in which I live, right nearby) and the type of people come ALIVE for me...My own mother read the entire series and was started on it by my Great Aunt Helen.
Elizabeth -
I do try to do the library or book swaps, but it's lovely being surrounded by books.
momto8 -
Yes - mine have interesting differences, too. I'm hoping to get urban book club off the edgier stuff at least once. :)
Pa Ul -
Thank you - spoken like an Irishman.
Snaggle -
Reading is the best escape, isn't it?
Jaye -
The woman who pitched Tom Robbins loves him, too. I wanted to read Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.
Leonora -
I'm do the A to Z blogging challenge and today was B. Tomorrow will be more like the usual format with the letter C.
Joanne -
I used to work at the public library when I was a teenager (after school and Saturday.) Love a library.
Jannie -
I can't wait to read that book. xo
lg -
That trunk used to be painted pink! Someone had stripped the pink off the outside when I bought it, but left the pink inside. It holds DVDs and VHS tapes.
I've read that whole Jan Karon series, too. It's like visiting lovely friends every time.
I'm drooling over your book collection! I recently (and rather haphazardly) decided to rehome my totes of books after moving them all over the country over the past few years. I got an e-reader (Nook) last Mother's Day, and I am in love with it. Like, I'd marry it, except I'm already married. I somehow believed I had to live with one or the other, the e-reader or the totes of books, and I opted for the ease of technology. My books found great homes, and I found a lot of extra space around the house, but I already regret it when I see your beautiful arrangements. ;)
Best of luck to you on the A to Z! I'm participating as well, so I hope maybe I'll see you in my neck of the net sometime! :-)
Good things happened with the letter "B". Books are always good things. They say Steig Larrson died with incomplete twelve books for the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series. I love those stories and you will enjoy the break reading the trilogy.
Thanks to living in an RV, I've moved to e-books but I do miss my favorite book stash. I'll be buying them again once we're back in a house...another few years from now (still lots of travel to do).
Here from the A to Z challenge! Love Books!! I have a bad habit of collecting them, of asking people for them back once they've read them, my dream is to have a built in wall of books someday :) Now to get my hubby to build it!! Good Luck!!
Yay for books. They are Beautiful Things!
Cherstin -
I've been thinking about getting a nicer bookcase, but looking at most of those - it means less shelves, so there are a good many of those I could part with. But I have to keep most of the hardbacks - they have personal meaning in most cases.
Granny Annie -
Ooh - you've read those? I think I might remember you saying that now. I always feel under pressure to read book club books - there's always one waiting. I'm going to suggest that urban book club take a break like suburban book club does.
Donna -
How fun is that? Traveling in an RV. I'd love to do that.
Tammi -
A built in book case would be wonderful, too. Hmmmm....
Clee -
Books are beautiful things, aren't they?
Yeah, I have so many books now my house is starting to look more like a library. But I like print books and refuse to switch to an e-reader, so whacha gonna do? Great post and happy A-Z blogging!
Wow! I would love to have that bookcase full of books! It is pretty awesome!
I've read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It's a little slow for my taste.
I just got rid of all my books and I'm fully kindled. I can read Jan Karon books over and over. LOVE the Mitford series. I wish I could be in a book club. They sound so fun. Alas, I don't think I know anyone who reads. :)
SL -
I'm holding out, too. Hopefully print and technology can coexist.
Kayla -
Thank you for blog hopping over here.
Brinda -
I guess I'll find out. :)
happygirl -
I've been invited to a third book club - had to turn that one down. They're out there.
That's quite an impressive library! :)
I love books too and I am so envious of your book shelf. I dont have a book shelves at home and all my books are stored in the wardrobe...drawers etc :(
I love books more than ebooks or kindle and I preferred buying my own then borrowing it from the library.
The idea of 3 beautifuly things is awesome :D Thank you for sharing Lynn :D
I love books. Another good choice!
A house doesn't seem a home without our book friends. Anne is my favorite book, too.
Nice library! I just started downloading books to save on space. So far, so good...
DL -
Thanks DL!
Shionge -
That book case was very inexpensive and easy to put together - I wonder if you could find something similar for your home?
We have that in common then - I love a page turning book.
Riot Kitty -
Thanks - I love them too. :)
Talon -
Did I know that? Anne being your favorite, too. I think Lucy Maud Montgomery had the best way of drawing a reader in.
Crack you whip -
I guess that would save space.
Hi Lynn .. love books too - the Stieg book you won't be able to put down!
Books an essential to life - love Colcannon - we used to make bubble and squeak - fried patties of colcannon ..
Cheers Hialry
Oh, I love the photo of all those books. Makes me want to hiberate for months until I get through them!
"Anne of Green Gables" is a classic. Love the movie, too, but yeah, the books are better! I've always wanted to check out Prince Edward island. :)
Hilary -
I love the sound of the words Bubble and Squeak. I love colcannon. :)
Scarlet -
I hope to check out PEI sometime, too - it's on my bucket list.
Your book shelf is neater than mine. I have books stacked everywhere. Actually, I need to take some to the library.
Oh, you've got to read the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Just remember the beginning part is very slow, but the book does pick up and it's a great story, even if you've seen the movie:~)
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