- If you look closely, you can see a blue bird sitting on a limb, passing the time of day. There on the right - slightly above center, below the blue sky. The park was full of them on Sunday. What I liked most was that friend Laura stood there with me patiently at the end of our walk, while I photographed the peacefully perched bird with my phone.
- Look at the difference in these two photos. This one has the rather drab colors of winter, so I applied the "Lomo" effect that can be found in my Picasa editing program. The Lomo analog camera is produced in Russia and in 1992, a group of Viennese students discovered it and were "charmed by the unique, colorful, and sometimes blurry" images that the camera produced. It made a more exciting photo, for sure. :)
- Here's the ladybug photo from Monday, using the Lomo effect. :) Fun.
I like how certain colors really "pop" with the Lomo effect added. I'll have to show these to my daughter.
Bluebirds are my favorite birds- they have a very sweet nature.
That's a cool effect. I really need to learn to play with the camera in my phone more. There are so many great ways to enhance photos now. :)
Neat! Mr. RK got some photo software for his b.day, I wonder if he has used this.
I always think lomo effect looks like the view I have when my reading glasses need cleaning. :D
I also like the colors popped. It's fun using filters on photos. It's amazing the results you can get.
Seeing all those blue birds is good luck, you know!
I love the pooped colors - have no idea what that lomo effect is.
I like the Lomo effect!
That LOMO effect is awesome. The first pic is so much more vibrant, full of life...and yes, I saw the bird, the cutie! Great shot!
Leonora -
Someone put bluebird houses all along that Greenway trail, so I suspect they are year around residents.
happygirl -
The best thing about Picasa is that it is free! Just download it - it's easy to use.
Riot Kitty -
Photo effects are so much fun - I love to play around with photos, but sometimes they are fine just on their own. I mainly use the "straighten" feature. :)
Joe -
Same here. Ha!
Sara -
I didn't know bluebirds were good luck, but I like the thought!
Sandie -
It's a type of camera manufactured in Russia which has these effects on the photos from it.
FB -
Thank you. Me too. :)
Ily -
I love how those deadish leaves turned orange. Thanks!
So tough to get bird pics without them flying away! They are pretty- haven't ever seen any bluebirds up here.
Never heard of "Lomo" effect cam before either- was a '92 college grad- that's why it wasn't in my photo courses.
Maybe more colorful Ladybugs are luckier!
Ladybugs are lucky omens (or so my Mom always said) so every time I see one (especially if they manage to show up in the house in winter), I'm delighted...just like I'm delighted to be back on the blog and seeing you, Lynn! :)
Snaggle -
Let's hope they are luckier. :)
Talon -
Yay - you're back! I love that your mom said that and I love that you are back with us on the blogs! xoxoxo
Yes, it looks great in LoMo. Now... is there a slo-mo Lomo? :) xoox
love the first photo. the lomo processing is really great!
great job!:)
big hugs~
Jannie -
Ha! Good idea.
Betty -
Thank you - loved doing that.
Big hugs to you!
I have had to realize that any camera in my hands will not take a good picture because I am a horrible photographer. Can you believe I have missed three of your posts? How did this happen?
Granny Annie -
It's all in the editing. :)
I don't know - that's why I emailed you yesterday - I was a little concerned. So glad to see you back, but I understand the absence, too - lots going on up there.
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